EBD A104-5.D
Civil service in Department of Agriculture |
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EBD A104-6.D
Number, status, and compensation of employees in Department of Agriculture |
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EBD A104-7.D
Possible influence of importation of Hawaiian sugar on beet-sugar production in U.S |
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EBD A104-8.2
Cooperative grass and forage plant investigations with State experiment stations |
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EBD A104-9.D
Collection and distribution of grass seed field work. |
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EBD A104-10.D
Standards of purity for food products |
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EBD A104-11.D
Methods and benefits of growing sugar beets |
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EBD A104-12.D
Adulteration of alfalfa seed |
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EBD A104-13.D
Standards of purity for food products (superseding Circular No. 10), supplemental proclamation |
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EBD A104-14.D
Adulteration of alfalfa and red clover seed |
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EBD A104-15.D
Adulteration of Kentucky bluegrass and orchard grass seed |
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EBD A104-16.D
Tests of commercial cultures of nitrogen-fixing bacteria |
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EBD A104-17.D
Standards of purity for food products (supplementing Circular No. 13), supplemental proclamation |
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EBD A104-18.D
Adulteration of red clover seed |
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EBD A104-19.D
Standards of purity for food products (superseding Circulars Nos. 13 and 17), supplemental proclamation |
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EBD A104-20.D
Adulteration of alfalfa seed |
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EBD A104-22 to 26
Report on statements of Dr. Cyril G. Hopkins relative to Bureau of Soils |
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EBD A104-22.D
Report on statements of Dr. Cyril G. Hopkins relative to Bureau of Soils |
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EBD A104-23.D
Agriculture in our industries |
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EBD A104-24.D
Man who works with his hands address of President Roosevelt at semi-centennial celebration of founding of agricultural colleges in U.S., at Lansing, Mich., May 31, 1907. |
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