Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD A102-61 Twenty-Eight Hour Law, June 29, 1906 1
EBD A102-63 Schedule of supplies for Weather Bureau, fiscal year ending June 30, 1910 1
EBD A102-64 Labeling of whisky, blends, compounds, and imitations thereof 1
EBD A102a-66.1 to A102a-66.3 Order postponing certification of export beef to ... 1
EBD A102a-67 Reports of Drs. McLean, Detmers, and Law, concerning recent outbreaks of disease among cattle in Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, and New York 1
EBD A102a-68 [Report of Appointment Clerk of Department of Agriculture respecting status of classified service in Agriculture Department] 1
EBD A102a-69 Circular political assessments. 1
EBD A102a-71 Agricultural depression, its causes and possible remedies 1
EBD A102a-72 Specification for general construction, exclusive of heating apparatus, elevators, electric wiring, and conduit systems, of 2 laboratory buildings for U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C 1
EBD A102a-73 Specifications for electric wiring and conduit systems of 2 laboratory buildings for U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C 1
EBD A102a-74 Specification for electric passenger elevators of 2 laboratory buildings for U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C 1
EBD A102a-75 Specification for heating and ventilation and special piping systems of 2 laboratory buildings for U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C 1
EBD A102a-76 Specification for power house for U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C 1
EBD A102a-77 Specification for power plant equipment of new buildings 1
EBD A102a-78 Address delivered by W. M. Hays, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, Before National Farm Land Congress, Chicago, Illinois, Nov. 17, 1909 1
EBD A104-1 to A104-30 Circulars of Department of Agriculture 1
EBD A104-1.D Statement in regard to award of seed contract 1
EBD A104-2.D Vivisection in D.C 1
EBD A104-3.D Progress of southern agriculture 1
EBD A104-4.D [Senate Bill 1552, for further prevention of cruelty to animals in D.C., text] 1