EBD A1302-39
Alphabetical list of land-grant and bond-aided railroads in U.S |
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EBD A1302-40
Suggestions for collection of range plant specimens on national forests |
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EBD A1302-41
Instructions to forest officers in reserve planting |
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EBD A1302-42
How shall forests be taxed? (read before Society of American Foresters Dec. 8, 1904) |
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EBD A1302-43.1 to A1302-43.2
Directions and specifications for building telephone lines on national forests |
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EBD A1302-44
Instructions for building and maintenance of telephone lines on national forests |
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EBD A1302-45
Timber tests |
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EBD A1302-46
Timber preservation and timber testing at Louisiana Purchase Exposition |
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EBD A1302-47
Trees of Washington, D.C., compliments of Forestry Division |
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EBD A1302-48
Plan for tree observations |
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EBD A1302-49
Use of national forest reserves regulations and instructions. |
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EBD A1302-50
Use book regulations and instructions for use of national forest reserves. |
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EBD A1302-51.1 to A1302-51.4
Use book regulations and instructions for use of national forests. |
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EBD A1302-52
Extent and importance of white pine blight |
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EBD A1302a-53
Instructions governing instruments and field equipment |
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EBD A1302x-21.2
Green book, instructions relating to salaries, travel and field expenses, cost keeping, property accountability, and preparation of accounts in accordance with fiscal regulations |
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EBD A1302x-30.2
Information regarding employment on national forest reserves |
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EBD A1303-1
Report on relation of railroads to forest supplies and forestry, together with appendices on structure of some timber ties, their behavior, and cause of their decay in road-bed; onwood preservation; on metal ties; and on use of spark arresters |
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EBD A1303-1 to A1303-78
Bulletins of Forest Service |
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EBD A1303-2.2
Report on forest conditions of Rocky Mountains and other papers, with map showing location of forest areas on RockyMountain Range |
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