Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD A19.6-60 Alfalfa; instructions adapted to Pennsylvania, West Virginia, northwestern Maryland, and northern New Jersey 1
EBD A19.6-61 Alfalfa; instructions adapted to southern New Jersey, Delaware, southern Maryland, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and South Atlantic and Gulf States 1
EBD A19.6-62 Peruvian alfalfa 1
EBD A19.6-65 Alfalfa; instructions adapted to Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, and Kentucky 1
EBD A19.6-66 Dry-land alfalfa 1
EBD A19.6-69 Velvet beans 1
EBD A19.6-72 Bermuda grass 1
EBD A19.6-82 Cowpeas 1
EBD A19.6-86 Spur feterita 1
EBD A19.6-103.9 Distribution of tulip and narcissus bulbs in (date) 1
EBD A19.14-1.1 to A19.14-1.5 Work of Belle Fourche Reclamation Project experiment farm in 1918 1
EBD A19.14-2.1 to A19.14-2.5 Work of Huntley Field Station, Mont 1
EBD A19.14-3.1 to A19.14-3.5 Work of San Antonio experiment farm in 1918 1
EBD A19.14-4.1 to A19.14-4.5 Work of Scottsbluff Reclamation Project experiment farm in 1918 and 1919 1
EBD A19.14-6.1 to A19.14-6.4 Work of Umatilla Reclamation Project experiment farm in 1918 and 1919 1
EBD A19.14-7.1 to A19.14-7.5 Work of Yuma Reclamation Project experiment farm in 1918 1
EBD A1902-1 Travail du Departement d'Agriculture des Etats-Unis 1
EBD A1902-3 Drought-resistant alfalfas (Medicago sativa) instructions adapted to western Nebraska, western Kansas, eastern Colorado, Oklahoma, and western Texas. 1
EBD A1902-4 Cold-resistant alfalfas (Medicago sativa) instructions adapted to Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana. 1
EBD A1902-5 Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) instructions adapted to. 1