Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD A1903-130 Dry-land agriculture papers read at 2nd annual meeting of Cooperative Experiment Association of Great Plains Area, held at Manhattan, Kans., June 26-27, 1907. 1
EBD A1903-133 Peach, apricot, and prune kernels as by-products of fruit industry of U.S 1
EBD A1903-134 Influence of mixture of soluble salts, principally sodium chlorid, upon leaf structure and transpiration of wheat, oats, and barley 1
EBD A1903-135 Orchard fruits in Piedmont and Blue Ridge regions of Virginia and South Atlantic States 1
EBD A1903-136 Methods and causes of evolution 1
EBD A1903-138 Production of cigar-wrapper tobacco under shade in Connecticut Valley 1
EBD A1903-139 American medicinal barks 1
EBD A1903-140 "Spineless'' prickly pears 1
EBD A1903-141 Miscellaneous papers 1
EBD A1903-143 Principles and practical methods of curing tobacco 1
EBD A1903-144 Apple blotch, serious disease of southern orchards 1
EBD A1903-145 Vegetation affected by agriculture in Central America 1
EBD A1903-146 Superiority of line breeding over narrow breeding 1
EBD A1903-147 Suppressed and intensified characters in cotton hybrids 1
EBD A1903-149 Diseases of deciduous forest trees 1
EBD A1903-150 Wild alfalfas and clovers of Siberia, with perspective view of alfalfas of world 1
EBD A1903-151 Fruits recommended by American Pomological Society for cultivation in various sections of U.S. and Canada 1
EBD A1903-152 Loose smuts of barley and wheat 1
EBD A1903-154 Farm water supplies of Minnesota 1
EBD A1903-155 Control of black-rot of grape 1