Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD A1903-75 Range management in State of Washington 1
EBD A1903-76 Copper as algicide and disinfectant in water supplies 1
EBD A1903-77 Avocado, salad fruit from tropics 1
EBD A1903-78 Improving quality of wheat 1
EBD A1903-79 Variability of wheat varieties in resistance to toxic salts 1
EBD A1903-80 Agricultural explorations in Algeria 1
EBD A1903-81 Evolution of cellular structures 1
EBD A1903-82 Grass lands of south Alaska coast 1
EBD A1903-83 Vitality of buried seeds 1
EBD A1903-84 Seeds of bluegrass i. Germination, growing, handling, and adulteration of bluegrass seeds; II. Descriptions of seeds of commercial bluegrasses and their impurities. 1
EBD A1903-85 Principles of mushroom growing and mushroom spawn making 1
EBD A1903-86 Agriculture without irrigation in Sahara Desert 1
EBD A1903-87 Disease resistance of potatoes 1
EBD A1903-88 Weevil-resisting adaptations of cotton plant 1
EBD A1903-89 Wild medicinal plants of U.S 1
EBD A1903-91 Varieties of tobacco seed distributed in 1905-6, with cultural directions 1
EBD A1903-92 Date varieties and date culture in Tunis 1
EBD A1903-93 Control of apple bitter-rot 1
EBD A1903-94 Farm practice with forage crops in western Oregon and western Washington 1
EBD A1903-95 New type of red clover 1