EBD A2204-20
Comments on systems of maintaining country roads |
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EBD A2204-21
Methods of constructing macadamized roads extract from report prepared by chief engineering inspector of local government board. |
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EBD A2204-22
[Request for participation in Tennessee road improvement efforts] |
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EBD A2204-23
Money value of good roads to farmers |
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EBD A2204-24.2
Highway repairing |
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EBD A2204-25
Brick paving for country roads |
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EBD A2204-26
Going in debt for good roads |
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EBD A2204-27
Cost of hauling farm products to market or to shipping points in European countries |
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EBD A2204-28
Addresses on road improvement in Maine, New York, North Carolina, and Illinois |
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EBD A2204-29
Forces which operate to destroy roads, with notes on road stones and problems therewith connected |
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EBD A2204-30.D
Repairs of macadam roads |
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EBD A2204-31
Must farmer pay for good roads? |
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EBD A2204-32
State aid to road building in Minnesota |
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EBD A2204-33
Road improvement in governors' messages |
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EBD A2204-34
Social, commercial, and economic phases of road subject |
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EBD A2204-35
[Higbie-Armstrong Act of New York State, on procedures for rural highway construction, improvement, and funding, withtext of Act and sample assessment and tax data for Monroe County] |
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EBD A2204-36.2
List of national, State, and local road associations and kindred organizations in U.S |
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EBD A2204-37
Railroads and wagon roads |
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EBD A2204-38
Study of rock decomposition under action of water |
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EBD A2204-39
Public roads of State of Washington mileage and expenditures in 1904. |
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