Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD A2803-8.1 Principal diseases of citrous fruits in Florida 1
EBD A2803-9 Bordeaux mixture its chemistry, physical properties, and toxic effects on fungi and algae. 1
EBD A2803-10 Copper sulphate and germination treatment of seed with copper sulphate to prevent attacks of fungi. 1
EBD A2803-11 Legal enactments for restriction of plant diseases compilation of laws of U.S. and Canada. 1
EBD A2803-12 Bacterial disease of tomato, eggplant, and Irish potato (Bacillus solanacearum n. sp.) 1
EBD A2803-13 Sooty mold of orange and its treatment 1
EBD A2803-14 Bermuda lily disease preliminary report of investigations. 1
EBD A2803-15 Some edible and poisonous fungi 1
EBD A2803-16 Cereal rusts of U.S physiological investigation. 1
EBD A2803-17 Wilt disease of cotton, watermelon, and cowpea 1
EBD A2803-18 Physiological role of mineral nutrients 1
EBD A2803-19 Stigmonose disease of carnations and other pinks. 1
EBD A2803-21 Two diseases of red cedar, caused by Polyporus juniperinus n. sp. and Polyporus carneus nees preliminary report. 1
EBD A2803-22 Xenia, or immediate effect of pollen, in maize 1
EBD A2803-23 Spot disease of violet (Alternaria violae n. sp.) 1
EBD A2803-24 Basis for improvement of American wheats 1
EBD A2803-25 Some diseases of New England conifers preliminary report. 1
EBD A2803-26 Wakker's hyacinth germ, Pseudomonas hyacinthi (Wakker) 1
EBD A2803-27 Wilt disease of cotton and its control 1
EBD A2803-28 Cultural characters of Pseudomonas hyacinthi, Ps. campestris, Ps. phaseoli, and Ps. stewarti 4 1-flagellate yellow bacteria parasitic on plants. 1