Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD A2902-27 Variations in lake levels and atmospheric precipitation 1
EBD A2902-28.3 Circular of information protection from lightning. 1
EBD A2902-29 Explanation of weather map 1
EBD A2902-30 Brief list of meteorological text-books and reference books, selection of works suitable for general, scientific, and university libraries in U.S 1
EBD A2902-31 Departures from normal temperature and rainfall, with crop yields in Nebraska 1
EBD A2902-32 Explanation of north Pacific Coast weather map 1
EBD A2902-33 Weather forecasting and weather types on North Pacific Slope 1
EBD A2902-35 Responses to programme of questions proposed for discussion at International Meteorological Conference, to be held in Paris, Sept. 1896 1
EBD A2902-36 Tables of daily precipitation at special river and rainfall stations of U.S. Weather Bureau, for years 1893, 1894, 1895 1
EBD A2902-38 Normal annual precipitation in U.S., 1870-1901 1
EBD A2902-39 Psychrometric tables for obtaining vapor pressure, relative humidity, and temperature of dew-point, from readings of wet and dry bulb thermometers 1
EBD A2902-42 Rainfall laws deduced from 20 years of observation 1
EBD A2902-49 Normal sunshine (percentage), annual, compiled from observations at Weather Bureau stations, 1871-1908, inclusive 1
EBD A2902-51 Tables for dividing by 12, 24, 28, 29, 31, 56, 58, 60, 62, 672, 696, 720, 744, and 8,760, and percentage tables for divisors 8.0 to 16.5, inclusive 1
EBD A2902-52 Telegraphic code for meteorological observers at sea 1
EBD A2902-53 Normal temperature of air at surface of earth (Farenheit), annual, compiled from observations at regular Weather Bureau and selected cooperative stations between 1871-1908 1
EBD A2902-54 Lowest temperatures ever observed at regular Weather Bureau and selected cooperative stations (Farenheit) 1
EBD A2902-55 Highest temperatures ever observed at regular Weather Bureau and selected cooperative stations (Farenheit) 1
EBD A2902-56 Comparison of thermometer scales 1
EBD A2902-57.2 Thunderstorm observations 1