Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD A4.5-286.10 Regulations governing sanitary handling and control of hides, fleshings, hide cuttings, parings, and glue stock, sheepskins and goatskins and parts thereof, hair, wool, and other animal by-products, hay, straw, forage, or similar material offered for entry into U.S 1
EBD A4.5-290.2 Rule 1, revision 23, to prevent spread of splenetic, southern, or Texas fever in cattle 1
EBD A4.5-291.D B.A.I. Order 291, to prevent spread of European fowl pest and other similar contagious diseases of poultry 1
EBD A4.5-292.5 Regulations governing interstate movement of livestock 1
EBD A4.5-296.D Rule 1, revision 24, to prevent spread of splenetic, southern, or Texas fever in cattle 1
EBD A4.5-298.D Order prohibiting importation of fresh meat from regions in which rinderpest or foot-and-mouth disease exists 1
EBD A4.5-300.D Rule 1, revision 25, to prevent spread of splenetic, southern, or Texas fever in cattle 1
EBD A4.5-301.5 Regulations governing importation of domestic livestock and other animals into U.S 1
EBD A4.5-302.2 Regulations governing appraisement of tuberculous and paratuberculous animals and expenditures on account of control and eradication of tuberculosis and paratuberculosis of animals 1
EBD A4.5-303.3 Rule 3, revision 7, to prevent spread of scabies in sheep 1
EBD A4.5-305.D Order restricting importation of animal casings 1
EBD A4.5-307.D Rule 1, revision 26; to prevent spread of splenetic, southern, or Texas fever in cattle 1
EBD A4.5-308.D Special order providing for shipment of cattle of nonquarantined area for exhibition at South Florida Fair, Tampa, Fla., Jan. 31 to Feb. 11, 1928 1
EBD A4.5-309.2 Regulations governing interstate movement of livestock 1
EBD A4.5-312.D Rule 1, revision 27, to prevent spread of splenetic, southern, or Texas fever in cattle 1
EBD A4.5-313.D Regulations governing sanitary handling and control of hides, fleshings, hide cuttings, parings, and glue stock, sheepskins and goatskins and parts thereof, hair, wool, and other animal by-products, hay, straw, forage, or similar material offered for entry into U.S 1
EBD A4.5-314.3 To prevent spread of foot-and-mouth disease in cattle, sheep, other ruminants, and swine 1
EBD A4.5-315.D Order governing importation of garbage from regions in which rinderpest or foot-and-mouth disease exists 1
EBD A4.5-318.D Order regulating importation of dressed poultry from regions in which rinderpest or foot-and-mouth disease exists 1
EBD A4.5-320.D Special order providing for shipment of cattle of nonquarantined area for exhibition at certain fairs held in quarantined area 1