Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD A403-64 State stock breeders' associations 1
EBD A403-65 Poultry and egg industry of leading European countries 1
EBD A403-66 Gid parasite (Coenurus cerebralis) its presence in American sheep. 1
EBD A403-67 Necrotic stomatitus, with special references to its occurrence in calves (calf diptheria) and pigs (sore mouth) 1
EBD A403-68 Information concerning milch goats 1
EBD A403-69 External parasites of hogs, being articles on hog louse (Haematopinus suis) and mange, or scabies, of hogs 1
EBD A403-70 Milk supply of 29 southern cities 1
EBD A403-71 Camembert type of soft cheese in U.S 1
EBD A403-72 Etiology of hog cholera 1
EBD A403-73 Bacteria of pasteurized and unpasteurized milk under laboratory conditions 1
EBD A403-74 Energy values of red clover hay and maize meal; investigations with respiration calorimeter, in cooperation with Pennsylvania State College Agricultural Experiment Station 1
EBD A403-75 Records of dairy cows in U.S 1
EBD A403-76 Score card in stock breeding 1
EBD A403-77 Cattle, sheep, and hog feeding in Europe 1
EBD A403-78 Texas fever (otherwise known as tick fever, splenetic fever, or southern cattle fever), with methods for its prevention 1
EBD A403-79 Determination of generic types and list of roundworm genera, with their original and type species 1
EBD A403-80 Synonymy of Taenia, T. crassicollis, T. marginata, T. serrata, T. coenurus, T. serialis, and Echinococcus 1
EBD A403-81 Milk supply of Boston, New York, and Philadelphia 1
EBD A403-82 Fungi in cheese ripening camembert and Roquefort. 1
EBD A403-83 Cold storage of cheese (experiments of 1903-4) 1