Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD A403-95 Bacteriolytic power of blood serum of hogs 1
EBD A403-96 Comparative study of tubercle bacilli from varied sources 1
EBD A403-97 Proceedings of conference of Federal and State representatives to consider plans for eradication of cattle tick, held at Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 5 and 6, 1906 1
EBD A403-98 Investigations in manufacture and curing of cheese
Investigations in manufacture and curing of cheese vII. Directions for making Camembert typeof cheese.
EBD A403-99 Danger from tubercle bacilli in environment of tuberculous cattle 1
EBD A403-100 Germicidal value of liquor cresolis compositus (U.S.P.) 1
EBD A403-101 Available energy of red clover hay, investigations with respiration calorimeter in cooperation with Pennsylvania State College agricultural experiment station 1
EBD A403-102 Further experiments concerning production of immunity from hog cholera 1
EBD A403-103 Experiments in beef production in Alabama 1
EBD A403-104 Medical milk commissions and production of certified milk in U.S 1
EBD A403-105 Varieties of cheese descriptions and analyses. 1
EBD A403-106 Experiments on digestibility of prickly pear by cattle 1
EBD A403-107 Analysis of coal-tar creosote and cresylic acid sheep dips 1
EBD A403-108 Feeding for meat production 1
EBD A403-109 Proteolytic changes in ripening of Camembert cheese 1
EBD A403-111 Chemical and physical study of large and small fat globules in cows' milk 1
EBD A403-112 Loco-weed disease of plains 1
EBD A403-113 Filtration experiments with Bacillus cholerae suis 1
EBD A403-114 Influence of acidity of cream on flavor of butter 1
EBD A403-115 Camembert cheese problems in U.S 1