EBD A405-152.1 to A405-152.4
Rule 2, Revision 2 to prevent spread of scabies in cattle. |
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EBD A405-153
Special order providing for importation of Canadian cattle for exhibition purposes at Vermont State Fair, White River Junction, Vt |
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EBD A405-154
Special order providing for importation of Canadian sheep for exhibition purposes at International Live Stock Exposition, Chicago, Ill |
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EBD A405-155
Rule 6 to prevent spread of foot-and-mouth disease in cattle, sheep, swine, and goats; effective on and after Nov. 13, 1908. |
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EBD A405-156.1 to A405-156.12
Rule 6, Revision 1 to prevent spread of foot-and-mouth disease in cattle, sheep, other ruminants, and swine. |
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EBD A405-157.1 to A405-157.3
Rule 6, Revision 2 to prevent spread of foot-and-mouth disease in cattle, sheep, other ruminants, and swine. |
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EBD A405-158.1 to A405-158.6
Rule 1, Revision 4 to prevent spread of splenetic fever in cattle. |
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EBD A405-159
Regulations concerning importation of hay and straw from island of Jamaica, British West Indies |
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EBD A405-160
Rule 7 revoking quarantine to prevent spread of foot-and-mouth disease in cattle, sheep, otherruminants, and swine, effective on and after Apr. 24, 1909. |
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EBD A405-161
Special order providing for importation of Canadian sheep for exhibition purposes at Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, Seattle, Wash |
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EBD A405-162
Revocation of regulations concerning importation of hay and straw from island of Jamaica, British West Indies |
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EBD A405-163.1 to A405-163.2
Rule 8 to prevent spread of lip and leg disease (necrobacillosis) in sheep. |
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EBD A405-164
Special order providing for importation of Canadian sheep for exhibition purposes at International Live Stock Exposition, Chicago, Ill |
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EBD A405-165
Rule 8, Revision 1 to prevent spread of lip-and-leg ulceration (necrobacillosis) in sheep, effective onand after Nov. 22, 1909. |
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EBD A405-166
Rule 1, Revision 5 to prevent spread of splenetic fever in cattle, effective on and after Dec. 6, 1909. |
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EBD A406-1
Map showing boundary line of district infected with splenetic or Southern fever of cattle, as defined in order of Hon. J. M. Rusk, Secretary of Agriculture |
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EBD A406-1 to A406-19
Map of districts infected with splenetic fever |
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EBD A406-2
Map showing boundary line of district infected with splenetic or Southern fever of cattle, as defined in order of Hon. J. M. Rusk, Secretary of Agriculture |
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EBD A406-3
Map showing boundary line of district infected with splenetic or Southern fever of cattle, as defined in order of Hon. J. M. Rusk, Secretary of Agriculture |
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EBD A406-4
Map showing boundary line of district infected with splenetic or Southern fever of cattle, as defined in order of Hon. J. Sterling Morton, Secretary of Agriculture |
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