EBD A405-137.5
Amending Regulations 22, 23, 24, and 25, governing labeling of carcasses in establishments where inspection is maintained; amending Regulation 41, governing entrance of unmarked fats into establishments where inspection is maintained; and amendi |
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EBD A405-137.6
Regulations governing interstate transportation of inspected and past meats and meat-food products which are alleged to be or have become unfit for food, and restricting their admission into establishments where inspection is maintained |
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EBD A405-137.7
Regulations governing use of dyes, chemicals, and preservatives |
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EBD A405-137.8
Regulations governing admission into establishments where inspection is maintained of carcasses and meat and meat-food products of animals which have not had post-mortem inspection by inspector of Bureau of Animal Industry at time of slaughter interstate and foreign transportation of imported meat and meat-food products on hand Oct. 1 |
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EBD A405-137.9
Amendment to Regulations 50, 53, 55, 56, 61, and 64, governing interstate and foreign transportation of meats and meat-food products |
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EBD A405-138
Special order providing for importation of Canadian cattle, sheep, and swine for exhibition purposes at MichiganState Agricultural Society Fair, Detroit, Mich |
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EBD A405-140
Special order providing for importation of Canadian animals for exhibition at Jamestown Exposition, Norfolk, Va |
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EBD A405-141
Special order providing for importation of animals other than Canadian for exhibition at Jamestown Exposition, Norfolk, Va |
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EBD A405-144.1 to A405-144.6
Rule 1, Revision 2 to prevent spread of splenetic fever in cattle. |
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EBD A405-145.1 to A405-145.3
Rule 2, Revision 1 to prevent spread of scabies in cattle. |
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EBD A405-148
Special order waiving tuberculin test requirement for Canadian cattle imported temporarily, for exhibition purposes, at Clinton County Agricultural Society Fair, to be held atPlattsburg, N.Y |
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EBD A405-149
Special order waiving tuberculin test requirement for Canadian cattle imported temporarily, for exhibition purposes, at Michigan State Agricultural Society Fair, to be held at Detroit, Mich |
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EBD A405-151.1 to A405-151.6
Rule 1, Revision 3 to prevent spread of splenetic fever in cattle. |
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EBD A405-152.1 to A405-152.4
Rule 2, Revision 2 to prevent spread of scabies in cattle. |
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EBD A405-153
Special order providing for importation of Canadian cattle for exhibition purposes at Vermont State Fair, White River Junction, Vt |
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EBD A405-154
Special order providing for importation of Canadian sheep for exhibition purposes at International Live Stock Exposition, Chicago, Ill |
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EBD A405-155
Rule 6 to prevent spread of foot-and-mouth disease in cattle, sheep, swine, and goats; effective on and after Nov. 13, 1908. |
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EBD A405-156.1 to A405-156.12
Rule 6, Revision 1 to prevent spread of foot-and-mouth disease in cattle, sheep, other ruminants, and swine. |
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EBD A405-157.1 to A405-157.3
Rule 6, Revision 2 to prevent spread of foot-and-mouth disease in cattle, sheep, other ruminants, and swine. |
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EBD A405-158.1 to A405-158.6
Rule 1, Revision 4 to prevent spread of splenetic fever in cattle. |
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