EBD A503-21
Bobwhite and other quails of U.S. in their economic relations |
1 |
EBD A503-22
Birds known to eat boll weevil |
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EBD A503-23
Horned larks and their relation to agriculture |
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EBD A503-24
Grouse and wild turkeys of U.S., and their economic value |
1 |
EBD A503-25
Birds that eat cotton boll weevil report of progress. |
1 |
EBD A503-26
Distribution and migration of North American ducks, geese, and swans |
1 |
EBD A503-27
North American eagles and their economic relations |
1 |
EBD A503-28
Game commissions and wardens, their appointment, powers, and duties |
1 |
EBD A503-29
Relation of birds to cotton boll weevil |
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EBD A503-30
Birds of California in relation to fruit industry part I. |
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EBD A503-31
Economic study of field mice |
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EBD A503-32
Food habits of grosbeaks |
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EBD A503-33
Brown rat in U.S |
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EBD A504-1.1
Circular on food-habits of birds |
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EBD A504-1.1 to A504-70
Circulars of Bureau of Biological Survey |
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EBD A504-2
Circular on English sparrow (Passer domesticus) |
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EBD A504-3
Circular on economic relations of mammals |
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EBD A504-4
Instructions for collection of stomachs |
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EBD A504-5
Circular to rice growers |
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EBD A504-6
[Blank form for acknowledging receipt of information on English sparrow] |
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