Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD A9.6-112.D Preliminary report on alfalfa weevil 1
EBD A9.6-113.D Principal cactus insects of U.S 1
EBD A9.6-115.4 Papers on deciduous fruit insects and insecticides Life-history studies on codling moth in Michigan. 1
EBD A9.6-116.6 Papers on deciduous fruit insects and insecticides Spraying experiments against grape leafhopper in Lake Erie Valley in 1911. 1
EBD A9.6-117.D Red spider on hops in Sacramento Valley of California 1
EBD A9.6-118.D Bean thrips 1
EBD A9.6-119.D Dispersion of gipsy moth 1
EBD A9.6-120.D Report of trip to India and the Orient in search of natural enemies of citrus white fly 1
EBD A9.6-121.D Behavior of honey bee in pollen collecting 1
EBD A9.6-122.D Argentine ant 1
EBD A9.6-123.D Preliminary report on sugar-beet wireworm 1
EBD A9.6-124.D Rose slug-caterpillar 1
EBD A9.6-125.D Florida fern caterpillar 1
EBD A9.6-126.D Abutilon moth 1
EBD A9.6-127.3 Papers on insects affecting vegetable and truck crops Spotted beet webworm. 1
EBD A9.8-16.4 to A9.8-27.3 Technical series of Entomology Bureau 1
EBD A9.8-18.D Anatomy of honey bee 1
EBD A9.8-19.6 Technical results from gipsy moth parasite laboratory I. Parasites reared or supposed to have been reared from eggs of gipsy moth. 1
EBD A9.8-20.7 Technical papers on miscellaneous forest insects I. Contributions toward monograph of bark-weevils of genus Pissodes. 1
EBD A9.8-21.D Synopsis, catalogue, and bibliography of North American Thysanoptera, with descriptions of new species 1