Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD A9.6-95.8 Papers on cereal and forage insects Timothy stem-borer, new timothy insect. 1
EBD A9.6-96.7 Papers on insects affecting stored products List of insects affecting stored cereals, Mexican grain beetle, Siamese grain beetle. 1
EBD A9.6-97.8 Papers on deciduous fruit insects and insecticides Spraying experiments against grape leafhopper in Lake Erie Valley. 1
EBD A9.6-98.D Historical notes on causes of bee diseases 1
EBD A9.6-99.3 Papers on insects injurious to citrus and other subtropical fruits Orange thrips; report of progress for years 1909 and 1910. 1
EBD A9.6-100.D Insect enemies of cotton boll weevil 1
EBD A9.6-101.D Calosoma sycophanta Its life history, behavior, and successful colonization in New England. 1
EBD A9.6-102.D Natural control of white flies in Florida 1
EBD A9.6-103.D Plum curculio 1
EBD A9.6-104.D Fig moth, report of fig moth in Smyrna 1
EBD A9.6-105.D Rocky Mountain spotted fever tick, with special reference to problem of its control in Bitter Root Valley in Montana 1
EBD A9.6-106.D Life history and bionomics of some North American ticks 1
EBD A9.6-107.D Results of artificial use of white-fungus disease in Kansas; with notes on approved methods of fighting chinch bugs 1
EBD A9.6-108.D Leafhoppers affecting cereals, grasses, and forage crops 1
EBD A9.6-109.8 Papers on insects affecting vegetables Hawaiian beet webworm. 1
EBD A9.6-110.D Spring grain-aphis or "green bug" 1
EBD A9.6-111.D Hop aphis in Pacific region 1
EBD A9.6-112.D Preliminary report on alfalfa weevil 1
EBD A9.6-113.D Principal cactus insects of U.S 1
EBD A9.6-115.4 Papers on deciduous fruit insects and insecticides Life-history studies on codling moth in Michigan. 1