EBD C13.10-82
Standard atmosphere chart |
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EBD C13.10-84
Standard time conversion chart |
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EBD C13.10-85
Specifications and tolerances for commercial weighing and measuring devices |
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EBD C13.10-86
Tables of spectral energy distribution and luminosity for use in computing light transmissions and relative brightnessesfrom spectrophotometric data |
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EBD C13.10-89
Report of National Screw Thread Commission (revised 1924) (authorized by Congress July 18, 1918, H.R. 10852), as approved ... |
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EBD C13.10-90.2
Directory of commercial testing and college research laboratories |
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EBD C13.10-92
Code for protection against lightning |
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EBD C13.10-94
Scientific and technical positions in National Bureau of Standards |
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EBD C13.10-95
Protection of electrical circuits and equipment against lightning, preliminary report of Sectional Committee on Protection Against Lightning |
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EBD C13.10-96
Organizations cooperating with National Bureau of Standards |
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EBD C13.10-97
Thermal properties of petroleum products |
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EBD C13.10-100
Plain and thread plug and ring gage blanks, recommended commercial standard as adopted by American Gage Design Committee |
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EBD C13.10-103
Weights and measures references, including index to Reports of National Conference on Weights and Measures from 1st to 21st, inclusive; compiled Oct. 1929 |
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EBD C13.10-104
Testing equipment for large-capacity scales for use of weights and measures officials; prepared and assembled Oct. 1929 |
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EBD C13.10-105
Certification plan significance and scope; its application to Federal specifications and commercial standards |
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EBD C13.10-107
Safety code for brakes and brake testing |
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EBD C13.10-108
Manufacture and properties of cellulose product (maizolith) from cornstalks and corncobs |
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EBD C13.10-109
Chart for determining helix angles of screw threads, showing helix angles for diameters from 0.05 to 10 inches and threads per inch from 1 to 100 |
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EBD C13.10-110
Standards and specifications for nonmetallic minerals and their products |
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EBD C13.10-111
Standard time zones of U.S. and adjacent parts of Canada and Mexico, as of Apr. 1, 1930 |
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