Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD C13.4-356 U.S. Government master specification for carpet and rugs, Wilton 1
EBD C13.4-357 U.S. Government master specification for oilcloth, table, white 1
EBD C13.4-358 U.S. Government master specification for hose, fire, unlined linen 1
EBD C13.4-359 U.S. Government master specification for netting, mosquito (unbleached bobbinet) 1
EBD C13.4-360 U.S. Government master specification for integral waterproofing material (for use with Portland cement mortar or concrete) 1
EBD C13.4-361 U.S. Government master specification for oil, linseed, raw 1
EBD C13.4-362 U.S. Government master specification for oil, linseed, boiled 1
EBD C13.4-363 U.S. Government master specification for packing, flax 1
EBD C13.4-364 U.S. Government master specification for shade cloth 1
EBD C13.4-365 U.S. Government master specification for cheesecloth, bleached 1
EBD C13.4-366 U.S. Government master specification for percale 1
EBD C13.4-367 U.S. Government master specification for drill (unbleached) 1
EBD C13.4-368 U.S. Government master specification for shades, window; rollers; slats; cords; and accessories 1
EBD C13.4-369 U.S. Government master specification for trisodium phosphate, technical (phosphate cleaner) 1
EBD C13.4-370 U.S. Government master specification for powder, scouring, for floors 1
EBD C13.4-371 Alphabetical index and numerical list of U.S. Government master specifications, promulgated by Federal Specifications Board ... 1
EBD C13.4-372 Recommended specification for quicklime and hydrated lime for use in soap making 1
EBD C13.4-373 Recommended specifications for quicklime for use in distillation of ammonia from ammonia liquors obtained in coke and gas manufacture 1
EBD C13.4-374 X-ray and radium protection, recommendations of International Congress of Radiology 1
EBD C13.4-375 Weights per U.S. gallon and weights per cubic foot of sugar solutions 1