Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD C13.8-113 Determination of permeability of balloon fabrics 1
EBD C13.8-114 Portable cubic-foot standard for gas 1
EBD C13.8-115 New Baume scale for sugar solutions 1
EBD C13.8-116 Silica refractories: Factors affecting their quality and methods of testing raw materials and finished ware 1
EBD C13.8-117 Toluol recovery 1
EBD C13.8-118 Critical study of Ledebur method for determining oxygen in iron and steel 1
EBD C13.8-119 Ultra-violet and visible transmission of eye-protective glasses 1
EBD C13.8-120 Tests of hollow building tiles 1
EBD C13.8-121 Strength and other properties of wire rope 1
EBD C13.8-122 Tests of 18 concrete columns reinforced with cast iron 1
EBD C13.8-123 Physical and chemical tests on commercial marbles of U.S 1
EBD C13.8-124 Constitution and microstructure of silica brick and changes involved through repeated burnings at high temperatures 1
EBD C13.8-125 Viscosity of gasoline 1
EBD C13.8-126 Study of Goutal method for determining carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide in steels 1
EBD C13.8-127 Leakage resistance of street railway roadbeds and its relation to electrolysis of underground structures 1
EBD C13.8-128 Effect of solar radiation upon balloons 1
EBD C13.8-129 Notes on graphitization of white cast iron upon annealing 1
EBD C13.8-130 Comparison of heat insulating properties of some of materials used in fire-resistive construction 1
EBD C13.8-131 Application of interferometer to gas analysis 1
EBD C13.8-132 Mechanical properties and resistance to corrosion of rolled light alloys of aluminum and magnesium with copper, with nickel, and with manganese 1