Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD C18.133-252 Regulations of Venezuelan law of factory, trade, and agricultural marks 1
EBD C18.133-253 Protection of industrial property modifying International Industrial Property Convention of Mar. 20, 1883, revised at Brussels Dec. 14, 1900, and at Washington June 2, 1911, signed at Hague 1925, effective June 1, 1928. 1
EBD C18.133-255 International deposits of designs and industrial models 1
EBD C18.133-257 Tax modifications in Great Britain 1
EBD C18.133-258 Registration of foreign corporations in Costa Rica 1
EBD C18.133-259.2 Cuban emergency tax law 1
EBD C18.133-261 Taxation in Austria 1
EBD C18.133-262 Enforceability of cotton futures contracts in Germany and decision of German highest court 1
EBD C18.133-263.2 Colombian petroleum law 1
EBD C18.133-264 Canadian legislation governing restraint of trade 1
EBD C18.133-265 Taxation of foreign agents of Spanish shippers 1
EBD C18.133-266 Peruvian government levels additional taxes for alleviation of unemployed 1
EBD C18.133-267 Laws affecting consignment shipments to Turkey 1
EBD C18.133-269 Superintendent of corporations created in Colombia; issuance, ownership and transfer of stocks regulated; corporation laws amended 1
EBD C18.133-270 New chamber of commerce law in Colombia 1
EBD C18.133-271 Law of Costa Rica for protection of commerce 1
EBD C18.133-272 Cuban income tax regulations 1
EBD C18.133-273 Taxation in Dominican Republic 1
EBD C18.133-275 Cuban 1 1/2 per cent gross sales tax 1
EBD C18.133-276 Taxation of business in Uruguay 1