Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD C18.135-385 Moratorium in Brazil affecting payments in foreign currency extended 1
EBD C18.136-54 to C18.136-347 Special circulars of Foodstuffs Division, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce 1
EBD C18.137-1 Polish public works program 1
EBD C18.137-1 to C18.137-2 Special circulars of Foreign Construction Division, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce 1
EBD C18.137-2 Italy plans enormous public works projects 1
EBD C18.138-397 Polish market for marine engines 1
EBD C18.138-397 to C18.138-1008 Special circulars of Industrial Machinery Division, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce 1
EBD C18.138-398 Coal mining machinery employed in northern France 1
EBD C18.138-402 Tenders invited for drop forging equipment by Victorian Railways, Melbourne, Australia 1
EBD C18.138-403 Potential market for enamel lined tanks in Great Britain 1
EBD C18.138-404 Incinerators interest Bogota 1
EBD C18.138-405 Successful experiments in Guatemala with new machine for separating fibers of native shrub 1
EBD C18.138-406 Federal aid to Brazilian cotton growing industry 1
EBD C18.138-407 Fourth regular fair at Riga 1
EBD C18.138-408 Steam boiler regulations in Tokyo 1
EBD C18.138-410 Pump exports 1
EBD C18.138-411 Advertising in India 1
EBD C18.138-415 Road rollers in South Africa 1
EBD C18.138-416 Refrigerating machinery exhibition at Buenos Aires 1
EBD C18.138-421 Ice-making and cold-storage plants in Mexico, Central America, and West Indies 1