Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD C18.28-4 Great Lakes-to-ocean waterways some economic aspects of Great Lakes-St. Lawrence, Lakes-to-Hudson, and all-American waterway projects. 1
EBD C18.28-5 Commercial and industrial organizations of U.S 1
EBD C18.28-6 Market research agencies guide to publications and activities relating to domestic marketing. 1
EBD C18.28-7 Atlas of wholesale grocery territories 1
EBD C18.28-8 Domestic market possibilities for electrical merchandising lines analysis of percentage distribution by States. 1
EBD C18.28-9 Retail store problems 1
EBD C18.28-10 Packing for domestic shipment fiber containers; recommendations of Advisory Board of U.S. Department of Commerce on Domestic Packing. 1
EBD C18.28-11 Packing for domestic shipment cleated plywood boxes; recommendations of Advisory Board of U.S. Department of Commerce on Domestic Packing. 1
EBD C18.28-12 Packing for domestic shipment wire-bound boxes; recommendations of Advisory Board of U.S. Department of Commerce on Domestic Packing. 1
EBD C18.28-13 Packing for domestic shipment cooperage and steel barrels; recommendations of Advisory Board of U.S. Department of Commerce on Domestic Packing. 1
EBD C18.28-14 Packing for domestic shipment wooden boxes; recommendations of Advisory Board of U.S. Department of Commerce on Domestic Packing. 1
EBD C18.28-15 Packing for domestic shipment nailed wooden crates; recommendations of Advisory Board of U.S. Department of Commerce on Domestic Packing. 1
EBD C18.28-16 Packing for domestic shipment baling; recommendations of Advisory Board of U.S. Department of Commerce on Domestic Packing. 1
EBD C18.28-17 Florida transportation field survey 1
EBD C18.28-18 Warehouse contract terms standard contract terms and conditions for general merchandise and cold-storage warehouses. 1
EBD C18.28-19 Commercial survey of Southeast 1
EBD C18.28-20 Trade association activities 1
EBD C18.28-21 Advertising for community promotion 1
EBD C18.28-22 External trade of New England 1
EBD C18.28-23 Candy distribution in U.S 1