EBD C22.12-3077
Note on copper constantan thermocouple calibration below 0 C |
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EBD C22.12-3078
Diatomite as filler in battery boxes |
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EBD C22.12-3079
Recent developments in by-products from bituminous coal |
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EBD C22.12-3080
Production of high-manganese slag in electric furnace |
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EBD C22.12-3081
New manganese-silicon alloys for deoxidation of steel |
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EBD C22.12-3083
Washability studies of Black Creek bed at Bradford mine, Dixiana, Ala |
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EBD C22.12-3084
Propulsive strength and rate of pressure development of Cardox blasting device |
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EBD C22.12-3085
Separation of cyanite and mica from quartz, feldspar, and other gangue minerals of mica schist |
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EBD C22.12-3086
Note on Julius suspensions |
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EBD C22.12-3091
Reduction of zinc oxide by methane or natural gas |
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EBD C22.12-3097
Acidity of Bennett branch of Sinnemahoning Creek, Pa., during low water, 1930 |
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EBD C22.12-3098
General review of U.S. Bureau of Mines stream pollution investigation |
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EBD C22.12-3101
Re-treatment of Sayreton jig middlings on coal-washing tables |
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EBD C22.12-3102
Acidity of Black Lick, Two Lick, and Yellow Creeks, Pennsylvania, during low water in 1930 |
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EBD C22.12-3104
Overheating of rubber-sheathed trailing cables |
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EBD C22.12-3105
Flotation of low-grade phosphate ores |
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EBD C22.12-3106
Leaching oxidized copper ores effect of strength of acid in leaching solvent. |
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EBD C22.12-3107
Practical method of solving emergency manganese problem |
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EBD C22.12-3109
Gases in manholes survey of utility in Boston, Mass. |
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EBD C22.12-3110
Study of falls of roof and coal in mines of Harrison County, W. Va |
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