EBD C22.12-3168
Determination of volatile matter in low-temperature cokes, chars, and noncoking coals |
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EBD C22.12-3169
Absorbents for liquid-oxygen explosives their relation to sensitiveness to impact and other properties of L.O.X. |
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EBD C22.12-3170
Washability studies of Brookwood bed at Warrior View mine, Tuscaloosa, Ala |
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EBD C22.12-3171
Analytical distillation of coal tar |
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EBD C22.12-3172
Inflammability of mixed gases |
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EBD C22.12-3173
Some methods of separating oil and water in west Texas fields, and disposal of oil-field brines in Hendricks oil field, Texas |
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EBD C22.12-3174
Properties of crude oil from Greasewood Flat area in Colorado |
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EBD C22.12-3175
Motor-gasoline survey, Aug. 1931 |
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EBD C22.12-3176
National safety competition of ... |
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EBD C22.12-3177
Migration of injected gas through oil and gas sands of California |
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EBD C22.12-3178
Use of lime in salt solution for removing hydrogen sulphide from natural gas |
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EBD C22.12-3179
Do fuses protect against methane ignitions? |
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EBD C22.12-3180
Analyses of crude oils from Oklahoma City field, Oklahoma |
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EBD C22.12-3181
Active list of permissible explosives approved prior to ... |
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EBD C22.12-3182
Review of fatalities in California petroleum industry during calendar year ... |
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EBD C22.12-3183
Smelting in lead blast furnace |
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EBD C22.12-3184
Sanitary surveys of coal-mining, metal-mining, and smelter towns of Utah |
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EBD C22.12-3185
Toxicity of dichlorotetrafluoroethane |
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EBD C22.12-3186
Sand and gravel safety contest of ... |
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EBD C22.12-3187
Protection against mercury vapor afforded by canister gas masks |
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