Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD C22.12-3160 Effect of oxygen on gaseous hydrogen sulphide corrosion of tank steel 1
EBD C22.12-3163 Official changes in active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices for Feb. and Mar. 1932 1
EBD C22.12-3164 Selecting and training refinery personnel to prevent accidents 1
EBD C22.12-3165 Re-treatment of fine washed coal from Black Creek and Mary Lee beds on coal washing tables 1
EBD C22.12-3166 Determination of iron oxide in liquid steel 1
EBD C22.12-3167 Study of properties of Texas polyhalite pertaining to extraction of potash 1
EBD C22.12-3168 Determination of volatile matter in low-temperature cokes, chars, and noncoking coals 1
EBD C22.12-3169 Absorbents for liquid-oxygen explosives their relation to sensitiveness to impact and other properties of L.O.X. 1
EBD C22.12-3170 Washability studies of Brookwood bed at Warrior View mine, Tuscaloosa, Ala 1
EBD C22.12-3171 Analytical distillation of coal tar 1
EBD C22.12-3172 Inflammability of mixed gases 1
EBD C22.12-3173 Some methods of separating oil and water in west Texas fields, and disposal of oil-field brines in Hendricks oil field, Texas 1
EBD C22.12-3174 Properties of crude oil from Greasewood Flat area in Colorado 1
EBD C22.12-3175 Motor-gasoline survey, Aug. 1931 1
EBD C22.12-3176 National safety competition of ... 1
EBD C22.12-3177 Migration of injected gas through oil and gas sands of California 1
EBD C22.12-3178 Use of lime in salt solution for removing hydrogen sulphide from natural gas 1
EBD C22.12-3179 Do fuses protect against methane ignitions? 1
EBD C22.12-3180 Analyses of crude oils from Oklahoma City field, Oklahoma 1
EBD C22.12-3181 Active list of permissible explosives approved prior to ... 1