EBD C22.3-366
Quarry accidents in U.S. during calendar year ... |
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EBD C22.3-367
Petroleum refinery statistics, 1916-1925 |
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EBD C22.5-1 to C22.5-543
Technical papers of Bureau of Mines |
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EBD C22.5-320
Bureau of Mines Orsat apparatus for gas analysis |
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EBD C22.5-323
U.S. Government master specification for lubricants and liquid fuels, and methods for sampling and testing |
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EBD C22.5-343
Georgia and Alabama clays as fillers |
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EBD C22.5-346
Properties of typical crude oils from producing fields of Western Hemisphere |
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EBD C22.5-347
Analyses of Alabama coals |
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EBD C22.5-355
Carbon monoxide recorder and alarm |
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EBD C22.5-356
Analyses of Tennessee coals |
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EBD C22.5-362
Incomplete combustion in natural-gas space heaters |
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EBD C22.5-363
Lessons from fire in Argonaut mine |
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EBD C22.5-365
Analyses of Virginia coals |
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EBD C22.5-366
Analyses of Missouri coals |
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EBD C22.5-367
Value of bituminous coal and coke for generating steam in low-pressure cast-iron boiler |
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EBD C22.5-368
Paraffin wax and its properties; methods of testing wax and of analyzing oil-wax mixtures |
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EBD C22.5-369
Mechanical safeguards in rotary drilling |
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EBD C22.5-370
Bowie-Gavin process its application to cracking of tars and heavy oils, also to recovery of oil from oil-soaked sands or shales, or from oil shales. |
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EBD C22.5-372
Silicosis among miners |
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EBD C22.5-373
Pyrotannic acid method for quantitative determination of carbon monoxide in blood and in air, its use in diagnosis and investigation of cases of carbon monoxide poisoning |
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