Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD C3.37-27 Fifteenth Census of U.S., 1930 Unemployment. 1
EBD C3.37-28.2 Fifteenth Census: Agriculture, 1930. Instructions for editing general farm schedule and supplemental schedules A and B 1
EBD C3.37-29 Fifteenth Census of U.S., Oct. 1, 1929. Instructions to enumerators Alaska. 1
EBD C3.37-32 Fifteenth Census. Coding instructions for population schedule, individual card 1
EBD C3.37-34 Census of Distribution, Manufactures, and Mines and Quarries, 1929. Instructions for preparing distribution, manufactures, and mines and quarries reports Small cities and rural regions. 1
EBD C3.37-35.1 to C3.37-35.3 Fifteenth Census. Instructions to enumerators Population and agriculture. 1
EBD C3.37-36 Fifteenth Census. Instructions for family transcription sheet 1
EBD C3.37-37 Fifteenth Census of U.S. Instructions to enumerators, population and agriculture Hawaii. 1
EBD C3.37-38 Fifteenth Census, 1930. Instructions to special enumerators, irrigation and drainage 1
EBD C3.37-39 Censo decimoquinto de los Estados Unidos. Instrucciones a los enumeradores, poblacion y agricultura Puerto Rico. 1
EBD C3.37-40 Fifteenth Census. Punching instructions for population schedule, individual card 1
EBD C3.37-41 Fifteenth Census. Instructions to supervisors of census 1
EBD C3.37-42 Fifteenth Census. Travel expense regulations for guidance of employees whose official stations are other than Washington, D.C 1
EBD C3.37-43.2 Fifteenth Census. Instructions for transcription of items from population schedule to unemployment schedule 1
EBD C3.37-44 Fifteenth Census of U.S., 1930: Agriculture. Chickens and chicken eggs and turkeys, ducks and geese raised on farms Chickens and poultry products, with selected items by size of flock, for U.S., States, and counties, 1930 and 1929. 1
EBD C3.37-45 to C3.37-48 Fifteenth Census of U.S., 1930 Census of Agriculture. Large-scale farming in U.S., 1929. 1
EBD C3.37-49 Fifteenth Census of U.S., 1930 Census of Agriculture. Negro farmer in U.S. 1
EBD C3.37-50 Fifteenth Census of U.S., 1930 Census of Agriculture. Taxes on farm property in U.S. 1
EBD C3.37-51.1 to C3.37-51.6 Fifteenth Census of U.S Census of Distribution; distribution of agricultural commodities. Assembling of butterfat through cream stations. 1
EBD C3.37-52.1 to C3.37-52.6 Fifteenth Census of U.S Census of Distribution; wholesale distribution (trade series). Wholesale electrical trade. 1