Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD C3.37-53 Fifteenth Census of U.S.: Census of Distribution; wholesale distribution (special series). Multiple types of wholesaling Study of establishments engaged in 2or more types of wholesaling. 1
EBD C3.37-54 Fifteenth Census of U.S Census of Distribution; small city and rural trade series. Analyzing small city and rural market area. 1
EBD C3.37-55.1 to C3.37-55.5 Fifteenth Census of U.S Census of Distribution, 1930; retail distribution (trade series). Apparel retailing (apparel, clothing, and related merchandise) 1
EBD C3.37-56 Fifteenth Census of U.S Census of Distribution, 1930; retail distribution (special series). Employment and wages in retail industry. 1
EBD C3.44-1 Harness leather and skivers 1
EBD C3.51-1 to C3.51-9 Activity of machinery in wool manufactures 1
EBD C3.52-1 to C3.52-9 Wool consumption reports 1
EBD C3.64-1 to C3.64-10 Work clothing 1
EBD C3.79-1 to C3.79-2 Edible gelatin 1
EBD C302-1 Abstract of the Twelfth census of the United States, 1900 1
EBD C302-2 American census taking from the first census of the United States 1
EBD C302-3 Collaboration in Federal and State statistical work report of permanent committee on uniformity of schedule and cooperative work in Census of Manufactures of 1905: 20th Annual Convention of Commissioners of State Labor Bureaus, Concord, New Hampshire, July 12, 1904. 1
EBD C302-4 Shall cotton-ginning reports be stopped? question for South to decide; letter from Director North and interview with Congressman Burleson. 1
EBD C302-5 Statistical treatment of causes of death cooperative work relative to treatment of jointly returned causes and revision of international classification / 1
EBD C302-6 Modes of statement of cause of death and duration of illness upon certificates of death comparison of forms now in use in U.S. and other countries and suggestion of modification of standard certificate of death in order to secure uniform and definite statements of causes of death, check list of registration officials, reports, and bulletins. 1
EBD C302-7 Production of lumber, lath, and shingles, 1907 [data by species of wood and state, with comparisons from 1906] 1
EBD C302-12 Officers and employees of Department of Commerce and Labor, 1908 1
EBD C302-13 Extension of the registration area for births and deaths practical example of cooperative census methods as applied to state of Pennsylvania. 1
EBD C302-14 Report of the Director to the Secretary of Commerce and Labor concerning the administration of the permanent bureau 1
EBD C302-15 A century of population growth, from the first census of the United States to the twelfth, 1790-1900 1