Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD I16.35-34.D Some practical uses of auditorium in rural schools of Montgomery County, Ala 1
EBD I16.35-35.D Improvement in teaching reading in rural schools 1
EBD I16.35-36.D Publications of U.S. Bureau of Education pertaining to rural education 1
EBD I16.35-37.D Courses in rural education offered in universities, colleges, and normal schools 1
EBD I16.35-38.D Preparation of teachers for rural consolidated and village schools; plan of observation and practice teaching used in 1
EBD I16.35-39.D Salaries of rural teachers and length of school term in 1924 1
EBD I16.35-40.D Rural curriculum Outstanding need in rural schools. 1
EBD I16.35-41.D Characteristic features of recent superior State courses of study 1
EBD I16.35-42.D State school improvement associations 1
EBD I16.35-43.D Some essentials of State's supervisory program for improvement of instruction 1
EBD I16.35-44.D Comparative status of secondary education in rural and urban communities 1
EBD I16.35-45.D Salaries and certain legal provisions relating to county school superintendency in U.S 1
EBD I16.35-46.D Time allotments in selected consolidated schools; compared with time allotted in 49 cities and in selected schools in Utah 1
EBD I16.36-1 to I16.36-31 City school leaflets of Education Office 1
EBD I16.36-1.D Salaries of teachers and of principals in certain cities 1
EBD I16.36-2.D School board in city school survey reports 1
EBD I16.36-3.D Value of school census 1
EBD I16.36-4.D Per cent of municipal funds devoted to schools (1920, 1921) 1
EBD I16.36-5.D Research bureaus in city school systems 1
EBD I16.36-6.D Length of school sessions in grades 1 and 2 1