Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD I16.42-35.D Abstracts of addresses delivered at conference called by U.S. Commissioner of Education at Des Moines, Iowa, June 14 and 15, 1929 to consider supervision of instruction in rural schools 1
EBD I16.43-1 to I16.43-33 Pamphlets of Education Office 1
EBD I16.43-1.D Camp in higher education 1
EBD I16.43-2.D Organized recess 1
EBD I16.43-3.D Home economics instruction in higher institutions, including universities, colleges, teachers colleges, normal schools, and junior colleges, 1928-29 1
EBD I16.43-4.D Home economics for boys 1
EBD I16.43-5.D State-wide trends in school hygiene and physical education as indicated by laws, regulations, and courses of study 1
EBD I16.43-6.D Rural school consolidation; decade of school consolidation with detailed information from 105 consolidated schools 1
EBD I16.43-7.D National Advisory Council on School Building Problems; its organization, purposes, and methods 1
EBD I16.43-8.D Age-grade study of 7,632 elementary pupils in 45 consolidated schools 1
EBD I16.43-9.D Procedures in supervision; abstracts of selected papers presented at 4th Conference of Rural School Supervision in Southern States called by Wm. John Copper, Commissioner of Education, at Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 16 and 17, 1929 1
EBD I16.43-10.D School playgrounds 1
EBD I16.43-11.D School and county library cooperation 1
EBD I16.43-12.D Graphic presentation of statistics of illiteracy by age groups 1
EBD I16.43-13.D Housing and equipping Washington Child Research Center 1
EBD I16.43-14.D Statistics of Negro race, 1927-28 1
EBD I16.43-15 Federal laws, regulations, and rulings affecting land-grant colleges of agriculture and mechanic arts 1
EBD I16.43-16.D Bibliography on honor system and academic honesty in American schools and colleges 1
EBD I16.43-17.D Industrial education section of survey of Buffalo public schools 1
EBD I16.43-18.D How boys and girls can help in drought emergency 1