EBD I19.2-58
Cooperation between U.S. and various States in topographic, hydrographic, and geologic work |
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EBD I19.2-59
Plans and specifications for current-meter gaging stations, Water-Resources Branch |
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EBD I19.2-60
Construction and operation of Hugershoff aerocartograph |
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EBD I19.2-61
Preparation of illustrations for reports of U.S. Geological Survey, with brief descriptions of processes of reproduction |
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EBD I19.2-62
Conventional map signs, British and French |
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EBD I19.2-63
Land classification of Northern Great Plains Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. |
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EBD I19.2-64
Bibliography of photo-mapping and allied subjects |
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EBD I19.2-65.2
Suggestions to authors of papers submitted for publication by U.S. Geological Survey; with directions to typewriter operators |
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EBD I19.2-66
Standard symbols adopted by Board of Surveys and Maps, U.S.A |
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EBD I19.12-1
Conventional signs adopted by U.S. Geographic Board |
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EBD I19.14-1.17
List of publications of U.S. Geological Survey (not including topographic maps) |
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EBD I19.14-2.10
Set of 100 contour maps that illustrate specified physiographic features |
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EBD I19.14-2.11
Publications of Geological Survey on phosphate rock |
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EBD I19.14-2.12
Topographic maps for use in schools |
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EBD I19.14-2.13
Topographic maps and folios and geologic folios published by U.S. Geological Survey |
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EBD I19.14-2.14
Water-supply papers |
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EBD I19.14-2.9
Set of 50 atlas sheets showing physiographic types and features of interest to engineers |
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EBD I19.15-7
Regulations and instructions of U.S. Geological Survey |
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EBD I19.15-8
Fiscal regulations of U.S. Geological Survey, Department of Interior |
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EBD I19.15-9
Operating regulations to govern methods of mining and safety and welfare of employees on leased lands on public domain under Mineral Leasing Acts; potash, Oct. 2, 1917 (40 Stat. 297) and Feb. 7, 1927 (44 Stat. 1057); oil shale, sodium, phosphate, Feb. 25, 1920 (40 Stat. 437); sulfur, Apr. 17, 1926 (44 Stat. 301); gold, silver, and quicksilver, June 8, 1926 (44 Stat. 710); approved June 2, 1927 |
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