EBD I1917-4.43
North Platte Project, Nebraska and Wyoming; pile bridge across North Platte River, about 25 miles southwest of Casper, Wyoming Advertisement, proposal, and specifications. |
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EBD I1917-4.44
North Platte Project, Nebraska and Wyoming Specifications for construction of buildings for U.S. Reclamation Service at Wyncote, Wyoming. |
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EBD I1917-4.45
Fort Buford Project, North Dakota and Montana; cement Advertisement, proposal, andspecifications. |
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EBD I1917-4.46
Fort Buford Project, North Dakota and Montana; steel Advertisement, proposal, and specifications. |
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EBD I1917-4.46 to I1917-4.48
Fort Buford Project, North Dakota and Montana; steel Advertisement, proposal, and specifications. |
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EBD I1917-4.47
Uncompahgre Valley Project, Colorado; south canal, Divisions 10-21 Advertisement, proposal, and specifications. |
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EBD I1917-4.48
Shoshone Project, Wyoming; Shoshone Dam Advertisement, proposal, and specifications. |
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EBD I1917-4.49
Shoshone Project, Wyoming; Corbett Tunnel Advertisement, proposal, and specifications. |
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EBD I1917-4.49 to I1917-4.51
Shoshone Project, Wyoming; Corbett Tunnel Advertisement, proposal, and specifications. |
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EBD I1917-4.5
Salt River Project, Arizona; electrical machinery Advertisement and general instructionsto bidders. |
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EBD I1917-4.50
North Platte Project, Nebraska and Wyoming; Pathfinder Dam Advertisement, <2> proposal, and specifications. |
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EBD I1917-4.51
Uncompahgre Valley Project, Colorado; Gunnison Tunnel Advertisement, proposal, andspecifications. |
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EBD I1917-4.52
Yuma Project, California and Arizona; cement Advertisement, proposal, and specifications. |
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EBD I1917-4.53
Huntley Project, Montana; cement Advertisement, proposal, and specifications. |
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EBD I1917-4.54
Hondo Project, New Mexico; embankments Advertisement, proposal, and specifications. |
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EBD I1917-4.55
Shoshone Project, Wyoming; cement Advertisement, proposal, and specifications. |
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EBD I1917-4.56
Belle Fourche Project, South Dakota; dam and distribution canals, 3rd contract Advertisement, proposal, and specifications. |
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EBD I1917-4.57
Fort Buford Project, North Dakota and Montana, Lower Yellowstone Dam Advertisement, proposal, and specifications. |
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EBD I1917-4.58
Salt River Project, Arizona; electrical apparatus Advertisement, proposal, and specifications. |
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EBD I1917-4.59
Salt River Project, Arizona; water wheels Advertisement, proposal, and specifications. |
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