EBD I2002a-43
[Establishing reservations for Mission Indians of California] |
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EBD I2002a-44
[Negotiating purchase of portion of Colville Indian Reservation in Washington State, letter of instruction; with data on reservation population, by Indian band] |
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EBD I2003-1
Indian fairs |
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EBD I2004a-1
[Letter of instruction to commissioners appointed to negotiate with Northern Cheyenne Indians on Tongue River Reservation in Montana and Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, on resettlement to common reservation] |
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EBD I2004a-2
Liability accounting |
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EBD I2004a-3
[Memorandum on preservation of family names among Indians, with endorsement by Director of Bureau of Ethnology] |
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EBD I2004a-4
[Letter of instruction to commissioners appointed to appraise and select agricultural lands in Round Valley Indian Reservation in California for allotment and sales, with data on land appraisement and compensation] |
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EBD I2004a-5
Education administration |
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EBD I2004a-6
Circular |
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EBD I2005-1.D
Report of Board of Indian Commissioners, appointed by President agreeably to section 4th of act of Congress making appropriations for current and contingent expenses of Indian Department for 1869, being results obtained from personal observation and inspection of Indian tribes of Kansas, Indian Territory, New Mexico, Arizona, and Alaska |
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EBD I2005-2.D to I2005-4.D
Annual report of the Board of Indian Commissioners to the President of the United States |
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EBD I2005-5.D to I2005-12.D
Annual report of the Board of Indian Commissioners |
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EBD I2005-13.D to I2005-18.D
Annual report of the Board of Indian Commissioners to the Secretary of Interior |
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EBD I2006-1
Report of special agent for California Indians to Commissioner of Indian Affairs |
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EBD I2006-2
Half-breed scrip, Chippewas of Lake Superior: Correspondence and action under 7th clause of 2nd article oftreaty with Chippewa Indians of Lake Superior and the Mississippi, concluded at La Pointe, in State of Wisconsin, Sept. 30, 1854, which clause is as follows, viz ""7th. Each headof family or single person over 21 years of age at present time, of mixed-bloods, belonging to Chippewas of Lake Superior, shall be entitled to 80 acres of land, to be selected by them under direction of President, and which shall be secured to them by patent in usual form;'' including report of commission appointedby Secretary of Interior, Apr. 21, 1871, composed of Henry S. Neal, Selden N. Clark, Edward P. Smith, and R. F. Crowell; and report of commission appointed July 15, 1872, composed of Thomas C. Jones, Edward P. Smith, and Dana E. King. |
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EBD I2006-3
Report of Commission to Five Civilized Tribes upon question ""whether Mississippi Choctaws under their treaties are not entitled to all rights of Choctaw citizenship, except interest in Choctaw annuities,'' required by Act of Congress, approved June 7, 1897 |
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EBD I2006-4
Report of Kaw Commission, with accompanying exhibits and other papers |
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EBD I2006-5
Mission Indians of California Report of William Vandever, U.S. Indian Inspector. |
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EBD I2006-6
Report of commissioners appointed by Secretary of Interior to examine Red Cloud and Whetstone Indian Agencies |
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EBD I2006-7
Documents relating to charges of Professor O. C. Marsh of fraud and mismanagement at Red Cloud Agency |
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