Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD I21.4-1140.D Matters to be considered by Ex-officio Commissioner for Department of Interior in Alaska Approval, reproduction, and distribution of Alaskan mineral plats. 1
EBD I21.4-1141.D Instructions 1
EBD I21.4-1142.D Accounts Hearing expenses. 1
EBD I21.4-1143.D Travel orders 1
EBD I21.4-1144.D Extension of relief to Indians on railroad grant lands in Arizona, California, and New Mexico, Act of Mar. 10, 1928 1
EBD I21.4-1146.D Payments required for Cheyenne River and Standing Rock Indian lands 1
EBD I21.4-1147.D Extensions of time of oil and gas prospecting permits under Acts of Jan. 11, 1922, Apr. 5, 1926, and Mar. 9, 1928; Circulars Nos. 801, 946, 1041, and 1063 superseded 1
EBD I21.4-1148.D [Document not titled.] 1
EBD I21.4-1149.D Extensions of time under coal permits 1
EBD I21.4-1150.D Regulations for sale of lots in townsite of Parshall in former Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, N.Dak 1
EBD I21.4-1151.D General information relative to bounty land warrants 1
EBD I21.4-1158.D Relative to fees required with oil and gas permit applications and other applications and selections; Section 31, Circular No. 672, construed; Circular No. 1115 amended 1
EBD I21.4-1160.D Amendment, paragraph 15 of Circular No. 523 relating to driveways for stock 1
EBD I21.4-1161.D Regulations governing leasing of public lands for airports and aviation fields 1
EBD I21.4-1193.D Coal land regulations, paragraphs 8 and 22 amended 1
EBD I21.4-1194.D Regulations concerning sodium mining leases and prospecting permits under Act of Feb. 25, 1920 (Public No. 146) 1
EBD I21.4-1195.D Witnesses' jurat on forms 4-003 and 4-003a to be modified 1
EBD I21.4-1196.D Unearned money lists, Circular No. 616 amended 1
EBD I21.4-1198.D Regulations permitting exportation of timber from Alaska (Circular No. 1092) amended 1
EBD I21.4-1199.D Certificates of deposit; quadruplicate to be forwarded 1