Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD I28.7-105.D Pulmonary disease among miners in Joplin district, Mo., and its relation to rock dust in mines; preliminary report 1
EBD I28.7-106.D Asphyxiation from blast-furnace gas 1
EBD I28.7-108.D Shot firing in coal mines by electricity controlled from outside 1
EBD I28.7-109.D Composition of natural gas used in 25 cities, with discussion of properties of natural gas 1
EBD I28.7-110.D Monazite, thorium, and mesothorium 1
EBD I28.7-111.D Safety in stone quarrying 1
EBD I28.7-112.D Explosibility of acetylene 1
EBD I28.7-113.D Some properties of water in coal 1
EBD I28.7-114.D Heat transmission through boiler tubes 1
EBD I28.7-115.D Inflammability of mixtures of gasoline vapor and air 1
EBD I28.7-116.D Miners' wash and change houses 1
EBD I28.7-117.D Quantity of gasoline necessary to produce explosive conditions in sewers 1
EBD I28.7-119.D Limits of inflammability of mixtures of methane and air 1
EBD I28.7-120.D Bibliography of chemistry of gas manufacture 1
EBD I28.7-121.D Effects of temperature and pressure on explosibility of methane-air mixtures 1
EBD I28.7-122.D Effects of atmospheres deficient in oxygen on small animals and on men 1
EBD I28.7-123.D Notes on use of low-grade fuel in Europe 1
EBD I28.7-125.D Sand test for determining strength of detonators 1
EBD I28.7-126.D Casting of clay wares 1
EBD I28.7-127.D Hazards in handling gasoline 1