EBD L5.20-124.D
List of references on juvenile courts and probation in U.S., and selected list of foreign references |
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EBD L5.20-125.D
Unemployment and child welfare Study made in middle-western and eastern city during industrial depression of 1921 and 1922. |
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EBD L5.20-126.D
Minors in automobile and metal-manufacturing industries in Michigan |
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EBD L5.20-127.D
Child welfare in insular possessions of U.S Part I. Porto Rico. |
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EBD L5.20-128.D
Illegitimacy as child-welfare problem Part 1. Brief treatment of prevalence and significance of birth out of wedlock, child's status, and State's responsibility for care and protection; bibliographical material. |
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EBD L5.20-129.D
Child labor in North Dakota |
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EBD L5.20-130.D
Child labor and work of mothers on Norfolk truck farms |
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EBD L5.20-131.D
State commissions for study and revision of child-welfare laws |
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EBD L5.20-132.D
Work of children on truck and small-fruit farms in southern New Jersey |
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EBD L5.20-133.D
Administration of child labor laws |
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EBD L5.20-134.D
Welfare of children in cotton-growing areas of Texas |
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EBD L5.20-135.1
Habit clinics for child of preschool age Their organization and practical value. |
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EBD L5.20-136.D
Foster-home care for dependent children |
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EBD L5.20-138.D
Nutrition work for preschool children |
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EBD L5.20-139.D
Laws relating to interstate placement of dependent children |
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EBD L5.20-140.D
Child dependency in D.C Interpretation of data concerning dependent children under care of public and private agencies. |
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EBD L5.20-141.D
Juvenile courts at work Study of organization and methods of 10 courts. |
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EBD L5.20-142.D
Causal factors in infant mortality Statistical study based on investigations in 8 cities. |
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EBD L5.20-143.1
Child management |
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EBD L5.20-144.D
Welfare of infants of illegitimate birth in Baltimore as affected by Maryland law of 1916 governing separation from their mothers of children under 6 months old Part I. Mortality among infants born out of wedlock in 1915 and 1921; Part II. Effect of law on policies and work of social agencies. |
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