EBD N104-2.41
[Instructions on Navy cost accounting procedures, with illustrative tables] |
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EBD N104-2.42
[Executive order establishing Geographic Board, with list of Board members] |
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EBD N104-2.43
[Basic Bessimer steel to be allowed for use in naval vessels] |
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EBD N104-2.44
[Transmission of request of Gen. Newton M. Curtis for comments on testimony before House of Representatives in supportof bill to abolish capital punishment] |
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EBD N104-2.46
Notes on Asiatic cholera |
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EBD N104-2.49
[Recall of 1st edition of U.S. Navy Regulations, 1893] |
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EBD N104-2.5
Instructions to commandants of navy yards |
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EBD N104-2.51
[Announcement of adoption of International Code of Signals and establishment of signal station byBrazil] |
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EBD N104-2.52
[Announcement of training program for new assistant surgeons at New York Naval Laboratory, to be renamed U.S. Naval Laboratory and Department of Instruction] |
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EBD N104-2.56
[British Admiralty regulations for firing salutes] |
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EBD N104-2.57
[Removal of restrictions on entry of foreign warships into New Harbor, Singapore, by instructions of British colonial government] |
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EBD N104-2.59
[Act for protection of persons furnishing materials and labor for construction of public works, text] |
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EBD N104-2.6
[Apothecaries of navy yards, equivalence to petty officer status] |
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EBD N104-2.61
[Opinion of Attorney General on legality of Navy Department procedures for establishing order of precedence among officers] |
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EBD N104-2.62
[Act of Aug. 19, 1890, to adopt regulations for preventing collisions at sea, as amended, text; and presidential proclamation implementing Act] |
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EBD N104-2.65
[Joint resolution authorizing wearing of distinctive badge adopted by Regular Army and Navy Union for ceremonial occasions] |
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EBD N104-2.66
[Act to postpone enforcement of ""Act to adopt regulations for preventing collisions at sea''] |
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EBD N104-2.7
[Accounting categories for back pay of Navy personnel] |
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EBD N104-2.71
[Opinion of Attorney General on enlistment in Navy of minors over age of 18] |
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EBD N104-2.74
[Comparative standing of Navy ships and gun crews in target practice] |
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