EBD N113-2.170
[Instructions on bills of lading and transportation requests issued by Navy and Marine Corps officers] |
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EBD N113-2.171
[Regulations on admission of naval vessels into Belgian territorial waters and ports] |
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EBD N113-2.172
[Medal of Honor, announcement on awarding to 2 boatswains of U.S.S. Missouri for attempting rescue of man overboard] |
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EBD N113-2.173
[Medal of Honor, announcement on awarding to chief carpenter's mate Robert Klein of U.S.S. Raleigh for rescue of crewmen overcome by fumes] |
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EBD N113-2.174
[Presidential proclamation reserving certain lands in Puerto Rico for naval purposes, extract] |
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EBD N113-2.176
[Executive order designating portions of naval reservation on Sangley Point, Island of Luzon, Philippines for use by War Department as coaling shed] |
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EBD N113-2.177
[Reminder on statutes and regulations against solicitation and acceptance of gifts, presents, or testimonials by Navy personnel] |
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EBD N113-2.178
[Executive order on pay of Navy machinists and apprentice seaman, with data] |
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EBD N113-2.179
[Announcement designating naval reservation on Culebra Island, P.R. as Naval Station, Culebra] |
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EBD N113-2.18
[Order on replacing water in torpedo plant air compressors with lubricating oil] |
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EBD N113-2.180
[Order changing names of 4 unserviceable Navy vessels] |
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EBD N113-2.181
[Order on adoption by Navy of two-arm semaphore system of signaling] |
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EBD N113-2.182
[Medal of Honor, announcement on awarding to 6 crewmen of U.S.S. Iowa for heroism following boiler accident] |
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EBD N113-2.183
[Order modifying textbooks on infantry fire and naval gunnery] |
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EBD N113-2.184
[Instructions on purchase and repair of typewriters for naval vessels, with data on allowance by class of vessel] |
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EBD N113-2.185
[Reminder on regulations against enclosing mail to foreign countries in naval vessel mail sacks] |
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EBD N113-2.186
[Executive order on pay and duty assignments of ship's tailors in Navy] |
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EBD N113-2.187
[Order changing name of U.S.S. Chesapeake to U.S.S. Severn] |
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EBD N113-2.188
[Order changing name of U.S.S. Michigan to U.S.S. Wolverine] |
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EBD N113-2.19
[Listing of changes in Navy regulations, with data on housing allowances for officers] |
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