Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD N113-2.38 [Instructions for naval vessels on entering roadstead of Copenhagen, Denmark] 1
EBD N113-2.39 [Acts of Congress relating to Navy enacted during 2nd session, 56th Congress] 1
EBD N113-2.40 [Executive order establishing Navy insular force, with data on pay by rating] 1
EBD N113-2.41 [Instructions on term of service for Navy line officers assigned engineering duty] 1
EBD N113-2.42 [Torpedo target practice, reminder on use of ammunition and powder] 1
EBD N113-2.43 [Order modifying composition of Navy General Board] 1
EBD N113-2.44 [Naval gunnery and torpedo practice, reminder on use of brown powder] 1
EBD N113-2.45 [Medal of Honor, announcement and recommendations for boatswain Frederick Muller of U.S.S. Wompatuck for service during Spanish-American War; with revised edition] 1
EBD N113-2.46 [Decision of Comptroller of the Treasury on furnishing subsistence of discharged Navy personnel during transit to home or place of enlistment] 1
EBD N113-2.47 [Decision of Comptroller of the Treasury on leave pay of Navy personnel serving overseas] 1
EBD N113-2.48 [Uniform regulations for Navy officers and enlisted men; with supplements and revisions] 1
EBD N113-2.49 [Executive order on classification of vessels, and ranks eligible for command] 1
EBD N113-2.5 [Order permitting wearing badge of Naval Temperance League] 1
EBD N113-2.50 [Modification of Navy regulations, designating senior watch officer as ordnance officer] 1
EBD N113-2.51 [Order on uniforms for Navy Department bureau chiefs] 1
EBD N113-2.53 [Order on distributing general orders at naval shore stations] 1
EBD N113-2.54 [Regulation on frequency of naval target practice] 1
EBD N113-2.55 [List of Navy personnel who have received letters of commendation or medals of honor] 1
EBD N113-2.56 [Announcement on renaming of Naval Station, Puget Sound, as Navy Yard, Puget Sound] 1
EBD N113-2.57 [Order to Navy personnel to refrain from discussing subject matter of court of inquiry requested by Rear Adm. W. S. Schley] 1