Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD N115-818 [Act of Congress on compensation for Federal employees injured on the job] 1
EBD N115-838 Compensation for injuries to laborers and mechanics at navy yards 1
EBD N115-853 Pay for overtime in case of foreman and master mechanics 1
EBD N115-859 [Order on pay for half-holidays falling during leave time] 1
EBD N115-860 [Decisions of Comptroller of the Treasury on paid leaves for per diem employees at navy yards and naval stations] 1
EBD N115a-41.2 [Report of Navy board on revisions to accounting and recordkeeping regulations and forms] 1
EBD N116-1.1 to N116-1.98 Special orders 1
EBD N116-1.18 [Columbus discovery of America 400th anniversary, instructions for salutes by U.S. naval vessels and navy yards] 1
EBD N116-1.20 [Request for posting of unarmed guards for Navy crewmen on liberty in port of Aden] 1
EBD N116-1.21 [Naval review of combined North and South Atlantic Fleet, designation of commanding officer, and procedures] 1
EBD N116-1.25 [Naval review of combined North and South Atlantic Fleet, dissolution] 1
EBD N116-1.26 to N116-1.32 Reorganization of civil force, navy yards 1
EBD N116-1.33 [Instructions for Navy pay and other office requisitions for materials and services under Paymaster appropriations] 1
EBD N116-1.34 [Citizenship status of Navy personnel, instructions for entry on muster rolls and enlistment records] 1
EBD N116-1.35 [Repeal of legal provision for withholdings from monthly pay of Navy enlisted men] 1
EBD N116-1.36 [Marine Corps personnel record of conduct and punishments, directions to update and transfer throughout term of enlistment] 1
EBD N116-1.38 [Decree of government of Italy, prescribing regulations for vessels entering fortified seaports in time of war; translation] 1
EBD N116-1.39 [Decree of government of Italy, prescribing regulations for vessels entering fortified seaports in time of peace; translation] 1
EBD N116-1.41 Translation of order of French Minister of Marine, published in Bulletin officiel de la marine, No. 27, 1895 1
EBD N116-1.42 [Decree of government of Uruguay, prohibiting foreign naval vessels from holding target practice within Uruguayanwaters; translation] 1