EBD N17.25-57
Instructions for hospital apprentice 1c in preparation for rating of pharmacist's mate 3rd class |
1 |
EBD N17.25-58
Changes in Hospital Corps handbook, U.S. Navy (edition of 1923) |
1 |
EBD N17.25-59
Instructions for operation, care, and repair of mechanical measuring instruments, for use of enlisted men in preparation for advancement to ratings of machinist's mates and enginemen |
1 |
EBD N17.25-60
Suggestions on methods of instruction |
1 |
EBD N17.25-61
Progress tests and examination questions with answers to be used <4>with Instructions for use in preparation for rating of machinist's mate 2c |
1 |
EBD N17.25-62
Instructions for use in preparation for rating of machinist's mate 1c |
1 |
EBD N17.25-63
Answers to questions in elementary magnetism and electricity, course 310, assignment 1-20 |
1 |
EBD N17.25-64
Announcement of courses and manual of standard practice |
1 |
EBD N17.25-65
Instructor's manual Communications; radio and sound, rating course, untrained man in preparation for rating of radioman, 3rd class, parts 1 and 2. |
1 |
EBD N17.25-66
Instructions for operation, care, and repair of mechanical measuring instruments |
1 |
EBD N17.25-67
Information and instructions for use of men in messman branch of U.S. Navy |
1 |
EBD N17.25-68
News handling, assignments 1-7 |
1 |
EBD N17.25-69.1 to N17.25-69.3
Office procedure, U.S. Navy, parts 1 and 2, assignments 1-12 |
1 |
EBD N17.25-70.1 to N17.25-70.5
Oil-burning boiler operation, assignments 1-15 |
1 |
EBD N17.25-71
Instructions for painter 2c in preparation for rating of painter 1c, assignment 1-26 |
1 |
EBD N17.25-72
Instructions for painter 3c in preparation for rating of painter 2c, assignment 1-26 |
1 |
EBD N17.25-73.2
Instructions for use in preparation for rating of painter 3c |
1 |
EBD N17.25-74
Personnel management, assignments 1-12 |
1 |
EBD N17.25-75.1 to N17.25-75.18
Pharmacy, in partial fulfillment of requirements for pharmacist's mates, assignment 1-18 |
1 |
EBD N17.25-76
Instructions for pharmacist's mate 2c in preparation for rating of pharmacist's mate 1c and chief pharmacist's mate |
1 |