EBD N1806a-51
Specifications for forged steel common shell |
1 |
EBD N1806a-52.1 to N1806a-52.3
Specifications for shrapnel and shrapnel fuses |
1 |
EBD N1806a-53
Specifications for manufacture of sights and sight mountings |
1 |
EBD N1806a-54
Specifications for material, manufacture, and inspection of small-arm ammunition |
1 |
EBD N1806a-55.1 to N1806a-55.4
Specifications for U.S. Navy smokeless powder |
1 |
EBD N1806a-56.1 to N1806a-56.4
Specifications for steel gun forgings for U.S. Navy |
1 |
EBD N1806a-58
Specifications for steel hoop forgings for torpedo air vessels, U.S. Navy |
1 |
EBD N1806a-59
Specifications for gun sight telescopes, Mark XI and Mark XII |
1 |
EBD N1806a-60
Specifications for inspection of steel for use in construction of hulls and machinery of torpedo boats nos. 3, 4, and 5, and Holland submarine boat, for U.S. Navy |
1 |
EBD N1806a-61
Specifications for inspection of steel for use in construction of hulls and machinery of torpedo boats nos. 14, 15, and 16, for U.S. Navy |
1 |
EBD N1806a-62.2
Specifications for manufacture of apparatus for Howell automobile torpedoes, 45 cm., U.S.N., Mark I |
1 |
EBD N1806a-64.2
Specifications for manufacture of launching apparatus for Whitehead 5 m. 45 cm. torpedoes |
1 |
EBD N1806a-65
Specifications for manufacture of Whitehead automobile torpedoes, U.S.N., 5 m. x 45 cm., Mark I |
1 |
EBD N1806a-66
Specifications for manufacture of Whitehead automobile torpedoes, U.S.N., 5 m. x 45 cm., Mark II; fitted for Elswick submerged discharge |
1 |
EBD N1806a-67
Specifications for materials for submerged torpedo tubes |
1 |
EBD N1806a-68.1 to N1806a-68.3
Specifications for manufacture of turret electrical appliances under cognizance of Bureau of Ordnance |
1 |
EBD N1807-0.1 to N1807-0.3
Index to Ordnance pamphlets |
1 |
EBD N1807-0.1 to N1807a-368
Ordnance pamphlets |
1 |
EBD N1807-1
Specifications for armor plates and appurtenances |
1 |
EBD N1807-2
Specifications for armor plates and appurtenances |
1 |