Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD N4.2-34 Standard nomenclature and list of vessels, U.S. Navy 1
EBD N4.3-1.1 Lead lined piping 1
EBD N4.3-1.1 to N4.3-1.37 Bulletins of Bureau of Construction and Repair, Navy Department 1
EBD N4.3-1.10 Acetylene gas, its generation and distribution; Oxy-acetylene torch for underwater cutting; Notes on damage to concrete steamship "Atlantus"; Machine for hammock grommeting, Navy Yard, Puget Sound 1
EBD N4.3-1.11 Testing of motor-driven centrifugal pumps 1
EBD N4.3-1.13 Salvaging of U.S.S. "Widgeon"; Salvaging of tug "Asher J. Hudson"; Use of cofferdam in repairing stern tube of S.S. "Bonham" 1
EBD N4.3-1.14 Excessive sulphur in fuel oil 1
EBD N4.3-1.15 Errors of ship clinometers 1
EBD N4.3-1.16 Launching of U.S.S. California; Launching of U.S.S. Omaha 1
EBD N4.3-1.17 Experiments with body-bound bolts 1
EBD N4.3-1.18 Methods of forming special-treatment steel plates 1
EBD N4.3-1.19 Shop manual, industrial department, Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va 1
EBD N4.3-1.2 Shop manual, Navy Yard, New York 1
EBD N4.3-1.20 Charging service cylinders with oxygen and hydrogen 1
EBD N4.3-1.21 Tests of materials for making up screwed joints to prevent freezing 1
EBD N4.3-1.22 Structure of electrically heated rivets 1
EBD N4.3-1.23 Salvage of U.S.S. R-6; Arc welded bilge keel of U.S.S. Nereus; Special tallow mixture used in salvage of battleship Espana 1
EBD N4.3-1.24 Discussion of shipyard methods 1
EBD N4.3-1.25 Cost of standard boats built by navy yards, fiscal years 1918 and 1919 1
EBD N4.3-1.26 Rubber methods at Navy Yard, Mare Island, Calif.; Rubber manufacture 1