EBD N404-19.4
[Procurement of naval supplies, requirements concerning contractor qualifications] |
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EBD N404-19.5
[Procurement of naval supplies, requirements concerning submission of bids] |
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EBD N404-19.6
[Alcohol classification for Bureau of Construction and Repair procurement purposes] |
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EBD N404-19.7
[Delivery of naval supplies under contract, instructions concerning inspections] |
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EBD N404-19.8
[Expenditure of Bureau of Construction and Repair appropriations, directions to economize] |
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EBD N404-19.9
[Requisitions of supplies by naval vessels, reporting requirement] |
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EBD N404-20.1
[Percussion and ammunition rooms of naval vessels, instructions to install of separate entrances] |
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EBD N404-20.2
[Naval vessel survey reports to Bureau of Construction and Repair, inclusion of separate labor and material estimates] |
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EBD N404-20.3
[Navy yard expenditures, instructions on reporting labor and materials separately] |
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EBD N404-21.2
[Stationery supplies required by navy yards, submission of annual estimates] |
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EBD N404-21.3
[Naval vessel equipment, notice on transfer of various articles from Bureau of Equipment to Bureau of Construction and Repair] |
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EBD N404-21.4
[Boards of inspectors at navy yards, designation of members for inspection of naval stores] |
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EBD N404-24.9
[Navy yard employees of Bureau of Construction and Repair, modification of regulations; with data onpay] |
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EBD N404a-12.5
[Apprentices allotment to navy yards, by yard and occupation] |
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EBD N404a-22.1
[Payrolls of navy yards, instructions for inclusion of appropriation title on monthly construction payroll] |
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EBD N404a-22.2
[General purpose accounts of Bureau of Construction and Repair, limitation on usage] |
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EBD N404a-22.3
[Decommissioned naval vessels, instructions on proper labeling and storage of equipment removed] |
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EBD N404a-22.4
[Intradepartmental transfers or shipment of Bureau of Construction and Repair supplies, required certification by naval constructors] |
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EBD N404a-22.5
[Appropriations restrictions of Construction and Repair Bur. Circ. No. 47, reminder] |
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EBD N404a-22.6
[Payrolls of naval constructor's department, blank form and limitation on permitted ratings or classes] |
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