Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD N502-12.2 Directions for care and training of homing pigeons for U.S. Navy, compiled from various authorities 1
EBD N502-13 Means of interior communication for U.S. battleships nos. 7, 8, and 9, Alabama, Illinois, and Wisconsin 1
EBD N502-14 Invoice of equipment outfit of U.S.S. ___ on going into commission, __, 190_ 1
EBD N502-15 Instructions for use and care of libraries under Bureau of Equipment; II. General instructions for care of libraries 1
EBD N502-16 Monthly return of equipment articles, exempted from general store-keeper's system, at U.S. Navy Yard ___, for month ending __, 189_ 1
EBD N502-17 Telegraphic determination of longitudes in Philippine Islands, embracing meridians of Cavite, Lucena, Guinayangan, Antimonan, Jolo, Siassi, and Paran Paran, with latitudes ofseveral stations 1
EBD N502-18 Description of propeller clearing device 1
EBD N502-19 Reports and tables of experiments on hemp and wire rope, made by order of Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting, Navy Department 1
EBD N502-20 [Circular approving use of wireless telegraphic code for meteorological observers at sea, issued by Weather Bureau, for transmitting reports to Weather Bureau] 1
EBD N502-21 Regulations for enlistment, government, and instruction of boys on board of U.S. naval training ships, as authorized by circular of Navy Department, dated Apr. 8, 1875 1
EBD N502-26 Report of board for testing plain and galvanized iron and steel wire, etc., conducted at Navy Yard, Washington, D.C 1
EBD N502-27 Practical guide to long-distance wireless Hertzian telegraphy 1
EBD N502-28 Instructions for use of wireless-telegraph apparatus 1
EBD N502-29.2 Manual of wireless telegraphy for use of naval electricians 1
EBD N502-30 International wireless telegraph convention concluded between Germany, U.S.A, Argentina, Austria, Hungary, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Denmark, Spain, France, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Monaco, Norway, Netherlands, Persia, Portugal, Roumania, Russia, Sweden, Turkey, and Uruguay 1
EBD N502-31.1 to N502-31.4 List of wireless telegraph stations of world, including shore stations, merchant vessels, and vessels of U.S. Navy; corrected to ... 1
EBD N502-32.3 Young sailor's assistant in practical seamanship, including rules of road, directions for resuscitating apparently drowned, etc., together with salutes and etiquette on board man-of-war; General Service Code and homographic code of signals; cautionary weather signals; with colored plates of flags of all nations, naval signal flags, Very's lights, and international code of signals 1
EBD N502a-33 Regulations and allowance of mess and state-room furniture, U.S. Navy 1
EBD N502a-34 Regulations for enlistment, government, and instruction of naval apprentices, as authorized by circular of NavyDepartment, dated Jan. 1, 1884 1
EBD N502a-35 Wireless telegraphy: Report of inter-departmental board appointed by President to consider entire question of wireless telegraphy in service of national Government 1