Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD PA1.31-16.D Asuncion, Paraguay's interesting capital 1
EBD PA1.31-17.1 Lima, city of kings 1
EBD PA1.31-20.1 Montevideo, city of roses 1
EBD PA1.31-21.1 Caracas, metropolis of Venezuela 1
EBD PA1.32-1 Mexico as industrial nation 1
EBD PA1.39-1 to PA1.39-3 Revenues, expenditures, and public debts of Latin American Republics 1
EBD PA1.41-1 Conference of delegates of American republics to 6th International Road Congress to consider draft convention on regulation of automotive traffic 1
EBD PA1.41-3 Recommendations of Governing Board of Pan American Union on draft convention and resolution on automotive traffic, approved at 2nd Pan American Highway Congress 1
EBD PA1.43-1.1 Bibliography of the liberator, Simon Bolivar 1
EBD PA1.43-1.1 to PA1.43-9 Bibliographic series of Pan American Union 1
EBD PA1.43-2.D Sources of information for books on Latin America; magazines containing book reviews, library and book trade journals, selected list of book dealers 1
EBD PA1.43-4.2 Selected list of books (in English) on Latin America, suggested for reading courses 1
EBD PA1.43-5.1 Theses on Pan American topics, prepared by candidates for degrees in colleges and universities in U.S 1
EBD PA1.43-6.D Catalogue of newspapers and magazines in Columbus Memorial Library of Pan American Union 1
EBD PA1.43-7.1 Selected list of books and magazine articles on inter American relations 1
EBD PA1.43-9.D Histories of Hispanic America, bibliographical essay 1
EBD PA1.44-5.1 Fifth International Conference of American States, special handbook for use of delegates [on preparations and agenda for conference, activities and resolutions of preceding conferences 1
EBD PA1.44-5.2 Program and regulations of 5th International Conference of American States, to assemble at Santiago, Chile, Mar. 25, 1923 1
EBD PA1.44-5.3 Quinta Conferencia Internacional Americana, Santiago de Chile, 25 de Marzo-3 de Mayo, 1923; tratado, convenciones, y resoluciones 1
EBD PA1.44-6.3 International Commission of Jurists (sessions held at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Apr. 18th to May 20th, 1927) Public international law, projects to be submitted for consideration of 6th International Conference of American States. 1