Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD S1.2-173 Laws and regulations of foreign countries concerning importation of opium or cocaine and salts, derivatives, and preparations thereof 1
EBD S1.2-174.2 Mandate for Palestine 1
EBD S1.2-175 Address of Hon. Huntington Wilson, Assistant Secretary of State, at Pan American Commercial Congress at Washington, Feb. 15, 1911 1
EBD S1.2-176 Panama Canal tolls; instruction of Secretary of State of Jan. 17, 1913, to American charge d'affaires at London, and British notes of July 8, 1912, and Nov. 14, 1912, to which it replies 1
EBD S1.2-177 Regulations to govern air navigation in Canal Zone, promulgated by Secretary of State, Sept. 22, 1931 1
EBD S1.2-178 Catalogue of Exhibit of Department of State at Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915 1
EBD S1.2-179 Pact of Paris, 3 years of development; address by Honorable Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of State, before Council on Foreign Relations, New York City, Aug. 8, 1932 1
EBD S1.2-180 Rules governing granting and issuing of passports in U.S 1
EBD S1.2-181 By President of U.S.A., proclamation, Aug. 8, 1918, governing issuance of passports and granting of permits to depart from and enter U.S.; Executive order, Aug. 8, 1918, rules and regulations vesting power and authority in designated officers and making rules and regulations supplemental to Presidential Proclamation of Aug. 8, 1918, governing departure from and entry into U.S 1
EBD S1.2-182 Passports, visas, and conditions of travel from foreign countries to U.S 1
EBD S1.2-184.2 Rules governing granting and issuing of passports in U.S 1
EBD S1.2-185 Passport regulations, Executive order, Jan. 31, 1928; Rules governing granting and issuing of passports in U.S., regulations concerning passports and applications therefor issued by Secretary of State in pursuance of Executive order of Jan. 31, 1928 1
EBD S1.2-186.1 to S1.2-186.11 Notice concerning use of passports 1
EBD S1.2-188 To clerks of courts who take passport applications 1
EBD S1.2-189.2 To clerks of courts who take passport applications 1
EBD S1.2-190 Passports for American citizens in foreign countries and visas for aliens 1
EBD S1.2-191.1 to S1.2-191.4 Notice to bearers of passports 1
EBD S1.2-192 To clerks of courts authorized to take passport applications 1
EBD S1.2-193 To clerks of courts authorized to take passport applications 1
EBD S1.2-194 To clerks of courts who take passport applications 1