EBD S101-2.1
General index to published volumes of diplomatic correspondence and foreign relations of U.S., 1861-1899 |
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EBD S102-1
Our mission to Abyssinia, Consul-General Skinner's report |
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EBD S102-3
Report to Honorable John Hay, Secretary of State, upon tour of consular inspection in Asia |
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EBD S102-5
Papers relating to Behring Sea fisheries |
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EBD S102-6.2
In matter of charges of Mr. Herbert W. Bowen, U.S. minister to Venezuela, against Mr. Francis B. Loomis, First Assistant Secretary of State, and counter charges of Mr. Loomis against Mr. Bowen |
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EBD S102-7
Constitution of Republic of United States of Brazil |
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EBD S102-8
Calendar of miscellaneous letters received by Department of State, from organization of Government to 1820 |
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EBD S102-9
Documents relative to Central American affairs, and enlistment question |
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EBD S102-10
Resumption of specie payments in Chile: Report to Secretary of State |
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EBD S102-11
Memorandum in regard to jurisdiction of American consular officers in China over offenses against morality and decency |
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EBD S102-12
Citizenship, naturalization, passports: Sections of Revised statutes of U.S.A. relating to those subjects, together with general instructions in regard to passports |
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EBD S102-13
Citizenship and naturalization |
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EBD S102-14
Claims against foreign governments |
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EBD S102-15
Notes on constitutions of Republic of Colombia |
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EBD S102-16.2
Constitution of U.S |
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EBD S102-17
Constitution of U.S.A., literal print |
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EBD S102-18
Examinations for consular service |
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EBD S102-21
Central Cuban Relief Committee, appointed by President and acting under direction of Department of State, issues following appeal |
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EBD S102-22
Report of Central Cuban Relief Committee, New York City, to Secretary of State, Washington, D.C |
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EBD S102-23
Declaration of Independence: Illustrated story of its adoption, with biographies and portraits of signers and of secretary of Congress |
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