Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD S3.23-11 Arguments on reference by U.S. and Canada in re levels of Lake of the Woods and its tributary waters and their future regulation and control, being final arguments at Washington, D.C., Apr. 4-8, 1916 1
EBD S3.23-12 Appendix to Hearings on reference by U.S. and Canada in re levels of Lake of the Woods and its tributary waters and their future regulation and control, being certain exhibits and other papers filed with Commission 1
EBD S3.23-13.3 Report to International Joint Commission relating to official reference re Lake of the Woods levels; text 1
EBD S3.23-14 Watershed of Lake of the Woods 1
EBD S3.23-16 Final report of International Joint Commission on Lake of the Woods reference 1
EBD S3.23-17 Testimony in re Livingstone Channel on reference of Governments of U.S. and Dominion of Canada under Article IX of Treaty of May 5, 1910 1
EBD S3.23-18 Report on Livingstone Channel, Apr. 8, 1913; recommendations in reply to questions submitted by Governments of U.S. and Canada, Oct. 16, 1912; Treaty of May 5, 1910 1
EBD S3.23-19 Opinion in matter of application of Michigan Northern Power Company for approval of proposed lease with U.S., and of diversion of water, construction of compensating works and plans therfor, and all acts authorized in said lease 1
EBD S3.23-20 In matter of application of Michigan Northern Power Company for approval of methods and plans for diversion of waters of St. Marys River at Sault Sainte Marie (Mich.) 1. Brief for U.S., 2. Reply to statement in response of Dominion of Canada, 3. Reply to statement in response of province of Ontario. 1
EBD S3.23-21 In matter of application of Michigan Northern Power Company for approval of obstruction, diversion, and use of waters of St. Marys River on U.S. side of international boundary at Sault Sainte Marie (Mich.) Order and opinion, filed June 30, 1913, decided May 26, 1914. 1
EBD S3.23-22 Hearings and arguments in matter of applications of Michigan Northern Power Company and Algoma Steel Corporation, Limited, for approval of obstruction, diversion, and use of waters of St. Marys River at Sault Ste. Marie 1
EBD S3.23-23 Report in matter of application of Michigan Northern Power Company and Algoma Steel Corporation, Limited, for approval of diversion of water, construction of compensating works, and plans therefor, in St. Marys River at Sault Ste. Marie 1
EBD S3.23-24 Opinion in matter of applications of Michigan Northern Power Company and Algoma Steel Corporation, Limited, for approval of diversion of water, construction of compensating works, and plans therefor, in St. Marys River at Sault Ste. Marie 1
EBD S3.23-26 In matter of application of New Brunswick Electric Power Commission for permission to construct and operate certain works in and adjacent to channel of River Saint John in province of New Brunswick at Grand Falls Statement in response on behalf of Government of U.S. 1
EBD S3.23-27 Hearings and arguments in matter of application of New York & Ontario Power Co. for approval of obstruction of waters of St. Lawrence River at Waddington, N.Y 1
EBD S3.23-28 International Joint Commission Organization, jurisdiction, and operation under Treaty of Jan. 11, 1909, between U.S. and Great Britain. 1
EBD S3.23-29 Pollution of boundary waters; preliminary report of committee having general supervision of investigation relating to pollution of boundary waters, and compilation of documents on file in War Department, Washington, relating to petitions of Erie & Ontario Sanitary Canal Co. for permission to divert 6,000 second-feet from Lake Erie for purpose of remedying existing pollution of Niagara River 1
EBD S3.23-30 Pollution of boundary waters; conference with sanitary engineers at New York City, May 26 and 27, 1914 1
EBD S3.23-31 Resume of testimony of consulting sanitary engineers in matter of pollution of boundary waters, conference at New York City, May 26-27, 1914 1
EBD S3.23-32 Hearings of International Joint Commission in re remedies for pollution of boundary waters between U.S. and Canada, held at Niagara Falls, Ontario; Buffalo, N.Y.; Detroit, Mich.; Windsor, Ontario; Port Huron, Mich.; and Sarnia, Ontario; Sept. 25 to Oct. 2, inclusive; Detroit, Mich., Nov. 10 and 11; and Washington, D.C., Dec. 14 and 16, 1914 1